I'm receiving emails for new posts, posts I've never seen, etc. I haven't changed my subscription settings. I just double checked them, and they're the same as they used to be. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I've had Workfront calculate dates incorrectly when doing this. We typically give most tasks an As Soon As Possible constraint. I've found that if the previous parent task and the last task (in your example, giving task 5 the predecessors of task 1 and task 4) seems to make dates calculate correct...
Oh I didn't realize you could do that! It defaults to conditional formatting to the selected column, and I didn't realize you could override it. Thank you so much!
I'll just accept that it has to be there then. Thank you for confirming!I tried your value=, but then my conditional formatting doesn't kick in because the line is blank.
I'm working on a dashboard with a series of task reports. I would like to color code each row (the entire row) based off of the Progress Status. Late = red, At Risk/Behind = yellow. I also don't want the Progress Status column to actually show up on the report.I've tried switching the Column view...
Our IT team has to relink something in the Workfront / SharePoint link once a year. I'm not sure what exactly they do, but maybe your instance needs relinked too?
It's probably because the team is assigned to the template. Go to the template, then go to the People section. Anyone added to the People section of a template will be notified (and added to the project) every time a project is created with that template.
@McKayWh @RexxMa We migrated to the Adobe Admin Console in March. We use SSO with federated IDs. When I look at the Adobe Admin Console, it says I have 238 entitled users. But Workfront says I only have 187 active users. What does this mean?When I deactivate old users, can I continue to do so in...
With improvements to the Gantt chart, I would also like to see it be easier to print Gantt charts. Something similar to how you can print an Excel sheet would be ideal.
My users are giving me the same feedback!I also have users who don't know someone has commented on an existing update. I'm not sure what about the UI is confusing to them, but something is.