Hello @Alkash4 To retrieve tags you can using the documentation noted below.https://developer.adobe.com/experience-platform-apis/references/unified-tags/#operation/retrieveTag Instead of the using the x-api-key value from the Adobe Developer project please use exc_app
Hello @PavelKr1 Can you please clarify what you are attempting to solve? Are you attempting to generate an ECID from a tool which is not part of the Adobe Web SDK visitor service?
Hello @an1989 The best option is to use query service to obtain the results which you require and export the dataSet to a destination. Please note you must be license for query service to use this option.
Hello @David_Ding Can you please provide more context on what your attempting to the encrypted file for execution and what the output of the file will be in regards to Adobe Realtime CDP?
When the field group is created there is a section in the body of meta: intendedToExtend. If you do not define a class when creating the field group via the API, there is an option to use the field group across classes.
The Adobe Experience Platform data flow will ingest all files which are present in a directory with a timestamp which is greater than the last time the dataflow has run. Currently it does have the ability to setup a restriction rule based upon file type to ingest data.
@DavidRoss91 Have you looked into the Adobe Experience Platform Data Hygiene option. This allows you to purge data for a specific profile against a single or multiple dataSets. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/data-lifecycle/ui/overview
@ChetanyaJain Are you request to data be masked for users with specific roles? Currently the attribute access control restricts the viewing of a data attribute for specific users. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/platform-learn/tutorials/admin/configure-attribute-based-acc... Are you looki...