You can define an array within the XDM Individual profile class. You would include the array in the audience criteria and include the a count function which is equal to 1 to account for 1 item of the array. You would then define the attributes of tp_code = foo and tp_event = 12345
Are you using Assurance and or console logging. You can debug by passing in the query string parameter ?alloy_debug=true. The results will be logged into the browser console.
Adobe Workfront is a operational MarTech component which can be integrated with RTCDP. You can using Adobe Workfront Fusion to expose data in regards to audiences, offers, datasets, schemas from Adobe RTCDP into Workfront.
@Prateek-Garg Glad you were able to solve the issue. When using the source type of attribute the source of the data did not transform to the new format. Using Expression can apply an expression upon the source to meet the target.
Hi @NickMannion , The destination will consist of a detainationId and a display name of the destination. I would check out the following to alter the display name.
When inserting dates into Adobe Experience Platform the data format for dateTime should be ISO 8601 format.
Hello @moni268 Ideally if you looking to perform limit the number of profiles which qualify for an audience, I recommend looking into the condition activity of Adobe Journey Optimizer.The profile cap allows you to allow you to provide a limit on the number of profiles for a branch. https://experien...
Hello @4uSwan The union schema view provided in your initial post to the thread appears to be a customer schema. If the last data was ingested in Oct I not believe you will be able to see a preview of the data. Can you please help clarify as to what the field beenMembshipID has been mapped to a wh...
The screenshot you have provided appears to be a preview of a dataSet. The preview of the dataset will show the last success batch into the dataSet. Has the dataset been marked for profile? Is there at least one field marked as an identity field in the schema which the dataSet was created upon?