Hi @Suraj_Kamdi Thanks for submitting this Reqeust for Feature Enhancement (RFE). There are some aspects of design dialogs that are available in Design Mode e.g. the design dialog for parsys [1]. So are you referring to a similar feature ? It may not actually have D&D functionality but it provide a ...
Hi @varuns69729001 Thanks for submitting the Request for Feature Enhancements (RFE). To start I would suggest to divide each request in an individual RFE requests since each request needs to be discussed and pursued separately. So we can keep this RFE for the 1st item in the list.Ref: when there is ...
Hi @Shashi_Mulugu Thanks for submitting the 1st Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) for AEM in the brand new community "IDEAS" section. This is right place to submit such requests. From your explanations I understand that it is requested to have more granular control in translation rules over incl...
Pom issue is resolved now and uber jar is posted with new dependency as follows:<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.aem</groupId> <artifactId>uber-jar</artifactId> <version>6.5.6-1.0</version> <scope>provided</scope></dependency>
It's not clear to me if this is your query or its an OOTB query ? It's searching "nt:base". The Oak index definition suggest such query to have an index with the following properties: - compatVersion = 2- async = "async"- jcr:primaryType = oak:QueryIndexDefinition- evaluatePathRestrictions = true- t...
There are some known issue with Move feature so can you install the latest service pack and try ? I am able to move and rename without any issues in 6.5.4
Check this document about Style System that can be alternative visual variations of a component, making the component more flexible. https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/authoring/siteandpage/style-system.html