@mireneS1 yes all file formats supported in AMS are supported in AEM cloud.
AEM 6.5 https://github.com/AdobeDocs/experience-manager-65.en/blob/main/help/assets/assets-formats.md
AEM cloud: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/file-format-supp...
@ashish_kamalaksha as said by @konstantyn_diachenko we might need more details..
But few things to look for
More than one rewrite rule matching , for this use L apache flag which marks the rule as last rewrite and doesn't execute subsequent rules
Check if your publish farms are multiple and all ...
@Prithwiraj_Deb I think there is an open bug in the ACS commons reporting feature for the replication status column.
Please check link below:
@Angelger I think you are referring to below links, let me know if not
@MoiezMa how are you building your clientlibs? If you ate using your ui.frontend module, in your build script you can generate md5hash for each file you generate and place it in filename, your Frontend engineer should be able help with this ask.
@RajeevBo it's all about hitting an AEM page from AeM publisher and storing it as redirects in webserver, be it apache or IIS, while I am not expertise in IIS, I am sure you should be able to write a bat file kind thingy to do similar job.
@ShaylaBl alttext, captions, description can be either managed in AEM sites component or managed at central place such as Asset metadata.
Few things to consider:
If managed at sites page components:
Flexibility to manage along with page contentCan be different for different pages based on context...