We heard you loud and clear on the last login time stamping. Please continue to vote this up. In the meantime please have your CSM reach out to me on serious request for a need for this. There may be solutions we can offer. Thanks!Kerry Nelson
If The domain is claimed which matches your SSO then you will be first presented with the option to create the user as Federated ID and then there will be a secondary link below to do Adobe ID.SSO does not mean user permissions so if users need access Analytics through SSO you can setup the users ...
So this is what I would do if this was my project and sites. First of all since you have access to Analytics create a Stage report suite and toss a page from staging on it and firstly enable Visitor ID service and go through that parts for doing the tracking. This way we don't mess with anything cur...
Good afternoon,I noticed your question was still not answered. It shouldn't need any new ports opened by you or your teams to use the product. Are you experiencing any kind of block at present?Kerry
PaulM,I believe that it may have been included as far as what abilities it has though remains the question. Since you have AEM I am assuming you are on boarding with either AEM 6.4 or AEM 6.5 in which case user permissions are managed in the Admin console of the Experience Cloud. Was there any other...
Good morning!What level of "Adminstrator" (or other role or permission) do I need in order to be able to create an integration?It seems odd to be be a "Product Administrator" and yet not be able to complete the steps necessary to access the API for that productAnswer: You should be a System Administ...
Rajeev,I believe you have to upgrade to 6.4 for that functionality, as I recall your only option in Cloud Services is only DTM. But it should be available in 6.4Best,Kerry
Soon as you can get us the details we can look further into the issue as Skand has mentioned. Also if you can PM either Skand, myself or settyb one of us will be able to look into this issue see what is going on exactly. Steps to replicate would be awesome and plus include in your PM the name of the...
Good morning Shawn! My name is Kerry Nelson nice to meet you! So I understand you are looking at 2FA for about 40+ users. Let me see if I can assist you in your question here: There are 3 different types of IDs that we use in our Cloud product. Diagram below explains what each does.In this case for ...