Looks like the SAML servlet in AEM is not getting invoked. Can you change the SAML path variable to "/" and have the OKTA configuration send the response to "https://dev1-www.com/saml_login"
Are you using contexthub? Is it causing any issues with the setup? Also, check [1] for a similar resolution. [1] https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/Adobe-Experience-Manager/etc-cloudsettings-default-contexthub-kernel-js-is-not-loadingin/qaq-p/308405
You can use the sample URL below to open the Livecopy overview in touch UI: http://<host>:<port>/libs/wcm/msm/gui/content/livecopies.html/<PATH OF THE BLUEPRINT> EX: http://localhost:6500/libs/wcm/msm/gui/content/livecopies.html/content/we-retail/language-masters/en
Ideally, Flush should be automatically triggered when you replicate a page from author to publish. That said, You might want to check for any URL rewriting Or linkchecker configuration causing the issue.
As far as I know, the credentials required to connect to Target from AEM are special creds provided by the Target team. Can you drop an email to "clientcare@adobe.com" and confirm the creds?