What is Inlet ID and where we can find in AEP , when do we use it?, how we use it ?
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Hello @Indra Inlet ID is a unique identifier that is automatically generated when a dataflow is created in AEP. It is used to track and manage the data ingestion process, providing visibility into the source of the data being ingested.
It looks something like this when dataflow is generated to ingested streaming HTTP API.
The connection ID is the inlet Id, when the data is ingested in AEP with this endpoint, the inlet_id received in response is the same connection ID.
You can check this documentation on how to use id: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/sources/api-tutorials/monitor
Hello @Indra Inlet ID is a unique identifier that is automatically generated when a dataflow is created in AEP. It is used to track and manage the data ingestion process, providing visibility into the source of the data being ingested.
It looks something like this when dataflow is generated to ingested streaming HTTP API.
The connection ID is the inlet Id, when the data is ingested in AEP with this endpoint, the inlet_id received in response is the same connection ID.
You can check this documentation on how to use id: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/sources/api-tutorials/monitor
An Inlet ID is a unique identifier associated with a specific dataflow. It is used to monitor, update, or delete the dataflow within the platform. The Inlet ID is generated upon the successful creation of a dataflow and can be found in the response message after the dataflow is created.
When to use the Inlet ID: The Inlet ID is used when you need to perform any actions related to the specific dataflow, such as monitoring its performance, updating its configurations, or deleting it from the platform.
How to use the Inlet ID: To use the Inlet ID, you can refer to the response message after creating a dataflow, which will contain the ID of the newly created dataflow. You can then use this ID to perform various actions on the dataflow, such as monitoring its status, updating its configurations, or deleting it when it's no longer needed.
you can find more information here .
type":"https://ns.adobe.com/aep/errors/EXEG-0109-408","status":408,"title":"Empty request","detail":"The request body is empty. Update your request and try again.","report":{"requestId":"ac89901b-9ff4-4218-b19e-1b8fb592ce33","inletId":"4ef00cb41d450e3f16c61599b7927c41ae1b54ebd8a32aeeafa58d2b37ead924","imsOrgId":"08134D0A6538XXXXXX@AdobeOrg","xactionId":"ac89901b-9ff4-4218-b19e-1b8fb592ce33"
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