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Utilizing event attributes for personalization and data exports


Level 3


I am trying to understand how to use event attribute values for:

1. Personalization

2. Data exports



Lets say we have an Online Purchase event where eventCode = 'online purchase' that includes the following attributes:







We then create a 'Large Purchase' segment where:

eventCode = 'online purchase'

purchaseAmount > '1000'



When a profile qualifies for this segment they enter a journey in which we want to send a personalized email that includes their account last 4. How would you go about getting the value of 'accountLastFour' from the event that qualified the user for the segment? What if the user had multiple events that qualified them for the segment, but with different 'accountLastFour' values?


Data Export

Similarly, if you needed to do a segment export of everyone who qualified for the segment and include in the file 'customerID' (from either the profile or event attribute) and 'numberOfProducts' (which only exists as an event attribute) values - how would you go about accomplishing this?


Thank you for any help/advice in advance!




1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi Michael,

Here's how you can address your use cases:

To personalize the email using the 'accountLastFour' value from the event that qualified the user for the segment, you can use Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP) or Adobe Campaign.

With RTCDP, you can create a custom attribute in the profile schema to store the 'accountLastFour' value associated with the latest event that qualified the user for the 'Large Purchase' segment. You can configure a data ingestion rule to update the custom attribute whenever a qualifying event occurs. Then, you can use the updated custom attribute for personalization in the email journey.

For Adobe Campaign, you can use transactional messaging with event-based data. By sending event data to Adobe Campaign, you can personalize the email based on the event attributes, such as 'accountLastFour'. In case of multiple events with different 'accountLastFour' values, you can choose to trigger the email for every event, or decide on a logic to choose which value to use for personalization.

Data Export:
To export segment data with the 'customerID' and 'numberOfProducts' values, you can use Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) with Data Warehouse.

First, create a new Data Warehouse request for the 'Large Purchase' segment. In the request, include the desired dimensions (e.g., customerID) and metrics (e.g., numberOfProducts). Schedule the report to be generated regularly, and have it delivered to an FTP location or sent via email in a format like CSV, TSV, or JSON.

Note that this approach might not provide a straightforward way to link 'customerID' with the 'numberOfProducts' value from the qualifying event. You might need to perform some data transformation and aggregation after exporting the data to establish the desired relationship between the attributes.