Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Manoj Kumar!
Manoj Kumar will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.
Know your Mentor Manoj Kumar (aka @_Manoj_Kumar_ )
Manoj is a great contributor to Experience League communities, a CDP expert, and comes with a decade of experience.
Aspirants mapped to Manoj Kumar
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!
Thank you @_Manoj_Kumar_ & @thewadeng for your help.
@Amit_Shinde1 @JoyceLu1 @HamishMo @vabs95 @vprasad @PriyaSi1 @RavikiranPaturi @thewadeng @sramraobhogekar @somen-sarkar @Bhanu8562 @fondofhatsKey
Here is the first question of the week for topic: Based on a scenario, translate RDBMS to RTCDP's NoSQL data model
An e-commerce company is considering migrating its customer data from a traditional relational database management system (RDBMS) to Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP). The company's customer data includes a wide range of attributes, such as customer profiles, purchase history, product preferences, and marketing interactions.
To best enable data onboarding to AEP, which approach should be taken when translating the RDBMS data model to AEP RTCDP's XDM data model?
You can refer to this documentation to get an understanding to the question:
I believe that the answer is 4. This is because of a few factors:
My reasoning was based off the documentation and the process through which I would translate a RDBMS table into XDM's model.
Yes, That's the correct answer @thewadeng
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Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,
Answer is 4. -- Customer profiles and product preferences are candidates of XDM Individual Profile and lookup entity . Relationship can be built between lookup entity and Customer profiles. While purchase history and marketing interactions should be based on XDM ExperienceEvent class (time-series) .
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@Amit_Shinde1 @JoyceLu1 @HamishMo @vabs95 @vprasad @PriyaSi1 @RavikiranPaturi @thewadeng @sramraobhogekar @somen-sarkar @Bhanu8562 @fondofhatsKey
Here is the second question of the week for topic: Demonstrate best practices for modeling the Real-Time Customer Profile
A data architect needs to label a phone number field as a person-based identity within a schema.
What can a data architect do to make sure the field only accept valid input?
I believe that 3 is the correct answer. I do not believe it is possible to add regex patterns to identity name spaces at this time. I also believe that adding regex to the field will allow for values to be captured at the time of ingestion and filtered later based on the namespace of the identity.
My reasoning was based off my current knowledge of both RT-CDP and Identity Service.
@thewadeng You are killing it. That's the correct answer
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The answer is 3 ) Add regex pattern to the schema field
Validation can be enabled at the schema field label to have regex, min, max etc . While ingesting data to a dataset corresponding to that schema then will honour the rules for that particular field.
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@Amit_Shinde1 @JoyceLu1 @HamishMo @vabs95 @vprasad @PriyaSi1 @RavikiranPaturi @thewadeng @sramraobhogekar @somen-sarkar @Bhanu8562 @fondofhatsKey
Here is the third question of the week for topic: Design the identity strategy and relationships for modeling
For an Airline company, the customer can login to the mobile app either via a Frequent Flyer number or an email address. At a given point you will have access to one of the them. The goal is to use only on Primary identity to identify a customer.
How can you capture a login event in RT CDP when multiple identities are involved?
I believe that the answer is 3. Using the process of elimination and given what we know about the requirements of the company, the following can be deduced:
@thewadeng That's the correct answer.
@Amit_Shinde1 @JoyceLu1 @HamishMo @vabs95 @vprasad @PriyaSi1 @RavikiranPaturi @sramraobhogekar @somen-sarkar @Bhanu8562 @fondofhatsKey Did you know the correct answer?
Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ , Thanks for the Brainstorming quiz.
Below are the answers:
1) option 4 - implementing via profile and experience events classes makes more sense and mantaining relationship
2) option 3 - To ensure that a phone number field only accepts valid input, a data architect should add a regex pattern directly to the schema field.
3) option 3 - Use an identity map and set the primary ID at the time of capturing event makes more sense
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Below are the answer I can think of
1. I think 4 is the right answer as the we need to migrate the Profile attributes as well as events based records (purchase, preference & marketing interactions)
2. Answer is 3. we can apply the regex while creating the phone number field
3. I guess answer is 3. I am not sure on this but 1 & 2 don't seem correct options for the scenario
hello @Amit_Shinde1 Yes, your answers are correct.
@Amit_Shinde1 For Questions 3. The correct answer is using the identity map. Identity Map lets you create Identities on the fly and you can choose to mark it Primary.
You can see the documentation here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/xdm/field-groups/profile/identitymap
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Thanks @_Manoj_Kumar_ for sharing the documentation & explanation. I will go through the documentation.
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Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,
This is an intriguing question. I believe the correct answer involves a combination of Option 1 and Option 3.
Option 1 is necessary because a schema should have a primary identity and can include multiple secondary identities based on the use case. In this context, the Frequent Flyer ID might be more suitable as the primary identity compared to an email. These identities will be useful later for generating identity maps when data is ingested into different datasets. In a real-world scenario, multiple XDM Individual schemas, lookups, or experience events will be present.
Option 3’s identityMap should be utilized because customers can log in using both their Frequent Flyer ID and email. The primary(Frequent Flyer ID) and secondary(email) identity types can be specified in the identityMap’s details.
This is my understanding after referring to the documentation. Please correct me if I am missing any aspects. I have a few questions:
1) Is it possible to set multiple primary identities using the identityMap? From the structure of the identityMap, it seems the primary attribute can be set to true for multiple identities.
2) In a practical scenario, should there be a single primary identity for a specific schema using the identityMap, or can there be multiple? What is the recommendation here?
Hello @somen-sarkar The correct answer is to use IdentityMap. Because the questions says to create only one Primary key for schema.
1) Is it possible to set multiple primary identities using the identityMap? From the structure of the identityMap, it seems the primary attribute can be set to true for multiple identities. Yes, We can dynamically set the PK
2) In a practical scenario, should there be a single primary identity for a specific schema using the identityMap, or can there be multiple? What is the recommendation here?
If we are taking about XDM Individual Class schema then it is best practice to set the Identities manually in the schema. But sometimes it might not be possible. Eg, Push Notifications.
Thanks @ _Manoj_Kumar_ for the response. Few doubts :-
1) Is it possible to set multiple primary identities using the identityMap? From the structure of the identityMap, it seems the primary attribute can be set to true for multiple identities. Yes, We can dynamically set the PK
Datasets are being created following a schema and inside schema we set the primary and secondary identities on fields. Now during a customer interaction with website/app , how are we dynamically changing the primary keys which are related to schema ? Actually unable to grasp the concept of dynamically changing the identity . If any documentation or use case and implementation using identityMap , kindly share the same ?
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Hello @somen-sarkar In this case the schema won't have any kind of Primary key defined. The best use I worked with is the push notifications where the users will have ECID as default primary key until they login. When they login their customerId will be the primary key.
You can learn more about identitymap here.