Hi, I have a created a Journey for POC but wanted to send the data within AEP/AJO itself to successfully test the Journey. Is there any possibility to do that? Kindly let me know
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You can use update activity in your journey to save/modify any attributes in your schema/dataset and then can verify.
Hi Pradeep,
Thanks for the response. Will try that but I want to know whether we can able to send the Journey data back to AEP itself.
Any idea?
Hi pradeep, I want to send few attributes based on the conditions from the Journey.
Hi @Ikmoo , All the attributes in your journey will be fetched from schema defined in AEP (Any schema created in AEP/AJO will be available in AJO/AEP), so there won't be any new attributes that you can add which isn't already there. As mentioned earlier you can modify the value of any attributes and that will reflect in AEP. Please refer https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/journey-optimizer/using/orchestrate-journeys/about-journey-b...
Hi Pradeep, Thanks for the response.
1. From Journey we send/connect to third party system(Epsilon/FB), I want to check whether we can try exact similar way using API & payload within AEP/AJO. And the data I am speaking about is event related data. Hope I am clear in my question now.
I have another query regarding Events in Journey.
2. I have created a sample event(schema & dataset ready as well). I have also created a Journey where I use this event to get the data or trigger this Journey. But I couldn't able to see the Journey start at any point even though the dataset gets updated(manually tried using .json).I have uploaded the .json into the dataset as per the Payload the event expects but still no movement.
Any idea on where it gets stuck? Will be helpful to get the some idea.
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Reposting from actual account. Use Update Profile action to update any attribute through your journey.
Hi Pradeep,
Thanks for the response. I want to know whether we can able to send the Journey data back to AEP(RTCDP) itself
All your journey data should be available in RTCDP.
1. The attributes you use to create the journey is already available in RTCDP datasets.
2. The journey logs - delivery or tracking logs is also available under system datasets.
3. If you have any data coming in through Events and you will have them stored in the associated experience event schema.
4. Use Update profile activity if you need to update any existing attributes. This gets saved into RTCDP.
What Journey data are you after?
Hi Ishan, Thanks for the response. I am speaking about the event related data from the Journey.
Also I have another query regarding Journey. Let me know if any solution/idea you have.
I have created a sample event(schema & dataset ready as well). I have also created a Journey where I use this event to get the data or trigger this Journey. But I couldn't able to see the Journey start at any point even though the dataset gets updated(manually tried using .json).I have uploaded the .json into the dataset as per the Payload the event expects but still no movement.
Thanks in advance!
Did you trigger the event from an API call ? You need to fire an event call, loading .json onto dataset will not start the journey.
Check the logs in the journey, If there are 0 elements that means the event is not triggered.
Hi, I have tried this way too but the journey not triggered. The payload in the event should contains all the available fields from the schema? or the payload in the event should be matched with the data coming via API call ?
The payload of the event should match the API call.
Hi Ishan, Does the Event payload and the JSON format from Analytics should be similar in structure or it can vary. Because the JSON format from Analytics event is having more details while the payload format from AJO event is different.
Any idea on how to check and configure?
You need an API call with the same payload to fire the event.
How are you planning to call the event from Analytics?
Hi Ishan, I am trying Luma site as an example and ingest data into AEP using WebSDK. But how to configure the payload from AJO event with this WebSDK ? That's where I am getting roadblock.
Have you done any or have any idea?
The WebSDK will save the data in a schema. You can use this event schema while configuring the event , choose the fields you want to use in the journey. Does that make sense? Create an event in AJO to see the structure of payload by adding the schema fields.
Hi @Ikmoo,
Try this option:
Note: I haven't tried this personally, but I would assume this will be a good way to deal with this option.
Please let me know if you get stuck anywhere or face any challenges.
Hi @Ikmoo
Please use Update Profile action to update any attribute through your journey and ensure the schema used in it has the option "Profile" enabled in it. Screens below. This way, your data in Schema will be updated as per your journey rules and enabling profile option in the schema ensures the updated data is stitched to unified 360 view of the profiles and synced back to AEP.
Hi Rajesh, Thanks for the response but this suggestion you have provided here for update profile right? Or is this anything related to triggering a real time Journey through event?