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query real-time interaction data


Level 2

How do I query real-time interaction data for immediate journey actions in adobe journey optimzer

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Level 5

Here's a high-level overview of how you can query real-time interaction data for immediate journey actions in Adobe Journey Optimizer:

1. Ingesting Real-Time Data into Adobe Experience Platform:

  • Streaming Ingestion: Real-time interaction data can be ingested into AEP through streaming ingestion. This is often done using Adobe's Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RT-CDP) or through APIs that feed data directly into AEP.
  • Event Forwarding: Utilize Adobe Experience Platform's event forwarding capabilities to stream events from various sources (e.g., websites, mobile apps) into AEP. These events can include customer behaviors such as page views, clicks, purchases, etc.

2. Setting Up Real-Time Event Data Sources:

  • In AEP, configure real-time event data sources that capture the events you need. These sources will define the schema and the data fields for the events you are interested in. For example, you might have a data source for PageView, AddToCart, or Purchase events.

3. Using Adobe Experience Platform Query Service:

  • Query Real-Time Data: While AEP supports SQL-like querying through the Query Service, this is typically used for querying historical or batched data rather than real-time event data. Instead, AEP's event-based architecture is used for real-time scenarios.
  • Real-Time Data Access: Real-time data access in AJO is usually managed through the streaming capabilities of AEP, where real-time events trigger immediate responses without needing explicit SQL queries.

4. Configuring Real-Time Triggers in Adobe Journey Optimizer:

  • Define Triggers: In AJO, you define triggers that are based on real-time events coming from AEP. For example, you can set up a trigger for when a Purchase event is received or when a customer adds an item to their cart.
  • Trigger Configuration: Within AJO, go to the Journey Designer and create a new journey. When setting up the journey, define the trigger condition based on the event schema from AEP. The trigger can be set to fire based on specific event attributes (e.g., product category, purchase amount).


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