In Audience UI, there is a filter to group audiences by 'Data Distiller' as shown in below screenshot. So, I'm just curious how one would create data distiller audience? If possible, documentation link, please.
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Hello @ShashiCh I am not sure if this is correct. But I think it would fall under the datasets powered by query service. Like the one explained in this example:
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Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,
In Abandoned Browse Example - The audience creation origin is from 'Segmentation Service'. In this example, dataset was used to ingest a processed data through query does not make it data-distiller origin audience.
So my question was , If data-distiller option is available in the UI origin list, how one can create an audience that is originated from 'Data Distiller'?
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This feature is being released at the end of this month in September. 2024 The audience schema for Real-Time Customer Profile has undergone changes where the previous schema is being deprecated. We will be publishing the new schema which we believe is lot simpler.
This is the code for the old schema that you can use (this is undocumented for now)
CREATE NAMESPACE demoextaudience WITH (TYPE = 'NON_PEOPLE', CODE ='demoextaudience');
CREATE TABLESCHEMA demoextaudience_schema AS (_id text primary identity namespace 'demoextaudience', description Text) WITH(LABEL='EXT_AUDIENCE') ;
CREATE TABLE demo_ext_audience WITH (SCHEMA='demoextaudience_schema', LABEL = 'EXT_AUDIENCE');
Insert into demo_ext_audience
Select _summit2023l608.userId _id ,
_summit2023l608.rfm_model description ,
'external_audience' segmentName,
'ACTIVE' segmentStatus,
'1.0' `version`
from <Insert Profile Snapshot Name>
where _summit2023l608.userId is not null and _summit2023l608.rfm_model is not Null;
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