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Audience date is 5 days behined current date


Level 2



Hi, I am trying the date conditions of audience, and found that the result profile is always 5 days behind the accrual date,
like in this screenshot,  today is 6/11/2024 (My timezone UTC/GMT +11 hours),  but the result is 01/11/2024.

Why is that?



Another related question

I found the date function within the Email is okay,

{% let date=now %}

this is giving me " 2024-11-06T05:07:26.257264904Z" which is the Denotes UTC (Zulu time),  how do i convert it to my current timezone? there are explanation on setting journey timezone https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/journey-optimizer/using/orchestrate-journeys/manage-journ... but that don't seems affecting the email rendering when I test.

2 Replies


Community Advisor

@Kabeiro For the birthdate all the profiles showing 5days behind today's date? Just make sure to validate the format of the date of birth on the profiles. Also, try changing the criteria in the audience to filter on the specific dates or range to see if it's working. Ideally, it should work when the profile data has the appropriate birth date format.

For the second part use the formatDate function,


Thanks, Sathees



Hi @Kabeiro

Was the given solution helpful to resolve your query or do you still need more help here? Do let us know.


Sukrity Wadhwa