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Enable multiple e-mail sender addresses in the same surface


Level 2


To be able in a easy way to use different sender e-mail addresses it would be nice if it where possible to pick a address from a pre defined list of legible addresses. If you want to have a B2C address and a B2B address and maybe you would like to have different addresses used for different tings like: sales emails, support emails, sales campaigns, Newsletters,  webinars or transactional emails, you would today need to create a own surface to be able to do that. If all addresses was able to pick from a dropdown list when creating a email that has been a better work flow.  



Level 2


This new personalized email is over complicating things. Since I work in a Bank and what to send a email to all my Credit Card customers. For the customer that has the Zip code Oslo I will treat them differently, and providing this audience with a new personalized  dome sender name. The next time I do a sent out I will send it from the common sender address used to all. Then i need a totaly new surface, 

That we has been asking for is just a list with pre defines addresses soy can pick as sender address when you are sending e email. Lets say that today I am sending a sales mail, then from the address sales, and tomorrow I would like to send a care email, and on third day there is a support issue sent from support. We need to be able to choose a right address to the right content, not something that changes on behave of the customers attributes. That is nice also, but that is another use case.