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Journey Chronicles: Navigating the Digital Landscape






Every few years, the industry undergoes a technological evolution that affects products and the foundational operations of each company's ecosystem. In recent years, Adobe has been at the forefront, particularly with innovations such as the Adobe Experience Platform and apps like Adobe Journey Optimizer which help you reach your customer with the right message at the right time.

Every customer inevitably faces the need to migrate to new technology or face obsolescence, as competitors will eagerly adopt anything that provides an advantage. Therefore, when considering this migration journey, the following guidelines, drawn from my years of experience, have proven immensely helpful.

Test Drive Before You Buy:

While everyone is attracted to the allure of a shiny new toy, it's essential to ensure that it fits seamlessly into your existing ecosystem and effectively addresses your pain points. Often, customers only discover this alignment during the nitty-gritty of implementation. Therefore, my top recommendation is to conduct a Proof of Concept (POC), involving enthusiastic team members.

During this POC, two critical decisions must be made, which can significantly impact its success. Here are some key points to consider:

Team Members: Selecting the right team members is paramount. You need individuals who are not resistant to change but rather embrace new technologies and can eventually advocate for the tool within your organization.

Use Cases: Choose use cases that are concise and directly address existing challenges, particularly those that your current tools struggle to overcome. These scenarios should demonstrate the new technology's ability to solve problems effectively.

Additionally, you have the option to engage Adobe Professional Services  for a customized paid POC. This ensures that you begin your journey on the strongest possible footing, preparing for future success.



The success and adoption of a new tool hinge greatly on enablement. It's crucial not to delegate enablement solely to the tech team at the project's outset. Instead, ensure that your business, tech, and operational teams are well-versed in the tool before commencing any migration.

Don't postpone enablement until the final stages of the project; rather, initiate it within the first few weeks. While this might slightly delay the migration's kickoff, it will ultimately accelerate the project and allow for a more comprehensive definition of use cases. This approach avoids the typical "lift and shift" method, promoting a more holistic implementation strategy.


You can engage with Adobe Digital Learning Services to start your enablement process and start your Adobe Journey on the right note.


Process First, Tech Second: Navigating Change

Adapt your processes to align with the new technology rather than forcing the technology to fit into your existing framework. While it's tempting to purchase a new product with the expectation that it will resolve all issues, attempting to squeeze it into an ill-suited structure can lead to more problems than solutions.

Prioritize aligning your processes with the capabilities of the new product. Ensure that any changes made to your workflows are driven by the features and functionalities of the technology, enhancing its performance and maximizing its potential. This approach fosters a symbiotic relationship between your processes and the technology, resulting in smoother operations and better outcomes.


Breaking Down Silos for Better Results

Breaking down team silos cannot solely rely on the introduction of a new product or technology. While it's common to believe that implementing a new tool will automatically dissolve silos and foster collaboration, the reality often requires more than just a technological solution.

To truly dismantle silos and unite teams, it's essential to complement the new product with a comprehensive change management exercise. This involves restructuring internal operational processes and rhythms to align with the collaborative goals enabled by the technology. By facilitating open communication, promoting cross-functional collaboration, and fostering a culture of shared accountability, teams can maximize the benefits of the new product while minimizing associated risks.


Right foundation:

Merely purchasing a new product and assuming it will solve all your problems is a common pitfall. It's crucial to invest in the right vendor to customize the new product according to your specific needs. Partnering with the right provider not only maximizes your return on investment (ROI) but also lays a solid foundation for future scalability.

Choosing the appropriate partner ensures that your solution is tailored to your requirements and can evolve with your business needs. This strategic decision minimizes reliance on constant customization for every new feature released in the future, thus optimizing efficiency and long-term viability. You can always engage with Adobe Professional Services to ensure that your foundation is right.