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How to see a list of topics in a map with Version Number and Version Label columns?


Level 2



In the Guides view, how can I generate a report or a listing of all topics in my map with columns for Version Number and Version Label? I don't have access to generating baselines as a quick way to review these attributes. 


In the Manage tab for a map, I see several reports. The Topic List report doesn't include these attributes, and the Metadata report has a Tags dropdown but Version Labels isn't an option. I've tried selecting the Standard Tags option but the versions don't display. 



- Are the Version Labels used for dynamic baseline generation a different type of tag than those available within the topics? 

- Is there another type of report or view that non-admins have access to with this information?



3 Replies


Level 6

Currently, you can access the Version History report by navigating to Tools -> Guides -> Version History, which provides details about the dita files and their versions. We understand that including version labels in this report would be beneficial and we have it on our roadmap.  You will soon be able to find the version labels as well in the version history report alongside other reports in the Manage tab.

Labels in AEM Guides serve a specific purpose for versioning files. You can use these labels to specify a particular version of a file and use them in baselines for publishing. This is different from standard AEM tags and is designed to streamline version management within AEM Guides.


Level 2

Thank you for the prompt reply! Do you have an estimated timeframe for the availability of the report that shows the version labels for maps and topics?

Is the custom report described in, Chapter 3 Customized Reports. "Generating a report of versions, check-in comments and labels"https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-guides-learn/assets/aem-guides-expert-ses...

an available substitute to use, and could you please provide the exact steps to access it if those documented aren't current? Also, can only admins access it or can authors as well?


Thanks again!



@Sailor1 Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.

Kautuk Sahni