We use the Qualtrics - Adobe Analytics integration with server side beacon. it's my understanding that we need to use Q_AA_PARAMS to capture the Marketing Cloud Visitor ID. We also try to capture a few eVars and Props to store in the Qualtrics study. For pages using DTM there we are not able to get any values for the evars and props and the json i'm using is not capturing any values for the marketing cloud visitor ID. The json i'm using is
JSON.stringify({marketingCloudVisitorID: Visitor.getInstance('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@AdobeOrg’).getMarketingCloudVisitorID()});
As for pagename, channel, evars and props, i'm using the Qualtrics Embedded Data in the intercept but for pages using DTM it's not able to capture values. For pages where DTM is not being used i'm able to get values for pagename and channel.
Are there any particular settings with dtm that could be causing these values to not live on the page and thus not allow Qualtrics to pick them up?
Thanks for your thoughts.