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Error, missing Report Suite ID in AppMeasurement initialization


Level 2

I started getting this error from DTM: Error, missing Report Suite ID in AppMeasurement initialization.

The reporting suite working just right, but i'm not sure what is causing it.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

Starting with either AppMeasurement v2.2.0 or v2.3.0, when setting var s = new AppMeasurement(), AppMeasurement expects you to pass a parameter containing the RSID(s). If you exclude the parameter, you get the "missing report suite ID" message you are seeing.

I haven't researched the purpose or need for the new parameter enough to tell you why it is now "required," but I can confirm that passing the parameter gets rid of the message. I've tried passing in both invalid data (ie// "xxxx") and legitimate RSIDs ("ie// "mydevrsid" or "myprodrsid"), with both having the same result.

EDIT: A quick example:

var myrsid = (prod) ? "myprodrsid" : "mydevrsid";

var s = new AppMeasurement(myrsid);

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Level 10

Hi Teo,

Do you have a URL where we can view this error? Are you setting the report suite in the DTM UI or somewhere else?



Level 10

Hi Teo - Did you still need assistance with this? If not, I'd live to get the solution posted and the questions closed.


Level 3


I have the same issue, the rsid is set in DTM UI.

Customer Care said that I should ignore it however something is not right.

The URL is bitdefender.com.

Thank You,



Correct answer by
Level 2

Starting with either AppMeasurement v2.2.0 or v2.3.0, when setting var s = new AppMeasurement(), AppMeasurement expects you to pass a parameter containing the RSID(s). If you exclude the parameter, you get the "missing report suite ID" message you are seeing.

I haven't researched the purpose or need for the new parameter enough to tell you why it is now "required," but I can confirm that passing the parameter gets rid of the message. I've tried passing in both invalid data (ie// "xxxx") and legitimate RSIDs ("ie// "mydevrsid" or "myprodrsid"), with both having the same result.

EDIT: A quick example:

var myrsid = (prod) ? "myprodrsid" : "mydevrsid";

var s = new AppMeasurement(myrsid);


Level 10

andreis65119307​ - It sounds like the error isn't impacting your implementation, but you could always ask Customer Care to open an engineering ticket about the issue.

It sounds like the previous answer may provide a fix for the issue though.


Level 3

Thank You, that clears the error.

This is what I have now:

var rsid = (_satellite.settings.isStaging==true) ? "bitdefenderstaging" : "bitdefenderproduction";

var s = new AppMeasurement(rsid);

var s_account = s.account;

var s=s_gi(s_account);

Is s_account and s_gi still required as per documentation?


Level 1

I haven't had the chance to fully research this yet. I only got so far as to verify that by passing the parameter the error message went away.

That said, my expectation is that both s_account and s_gi should still work as documented. If you find they don't, please let me know!

~ b


Level 2

I also found this to do the trick
window.s = _satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS();


Level 1

Hi guys, I've been all over the internet and spent almost half a day looking for a solution.

var getAnalyticsAccount = function () {

   for (var toolid in _satellite.tools) {

   if (_satellite.tools[toolid].settings.engine == "sc") {

   return toolid;




s = new AppMeasurement(getAnalyticsAccount());

The above works but I actually quite like @teot52416153 solution so switching to it instead.

Is there any-chance DTM / Analytics documentation can be updated? Or better still assign "Tracker Variable Name"  in the configuration tool to _satellite.getToolsByType('sc')[0].getS(); automatically in DTM's codebase?

Thanks once again for posting the solutions.


Level 10

femi ojemzy,
I wonder if you have tested your script for compatibility with the implementation using multiple report suites IDs divided by a comma (global report suite scenario)?


Level 10

Hi all -

I realize this is a little bit of an older post and thread, but wanted to chime in that I reached out to Adobe Customer Support about this error and this was their reply:


Thanks -
