Hello, I have an issue with DTM. There is an event based rule which is triggered if one of datalayer field equals needed value. This datalayer that is fired on the event has a lot fields that are not captured in this rule. But one param is included on every hit of this rule on this page. The strangest thing is that there is no such param inside this rule.
More detailed: on one page there is a button click on which causes datalayer firing. This datalayer includes params A, B and C. Also there is a event based rule which is triggered if A param of datalayer equals "2". This rule includes eVar1 which gets it's value from field B of datalayer and this is the only variable there. How it can be that this rule is fired with eVar1=B field of datalayer and eVar2=C field of datalayer?
P.s. there are other rules which includes eVar2=C field of datalayer, that's why eVar2 and not other eVar gets C value.
Thanks in advance.