Hello,Is there a way to set the rule condition to the current URL instead of path URL? For example, I want the click event to fire on a page with /products in the current URL. If I use "path" as my condition, the click event will fire only if the NEXT page that loads has /products in the URL.Thanks!
Hi,What is the best way to cache-bust the DTM library tag (JS file) whenever rules are "Published" to production?One solution I had was to add a query string parameter at the end of the DTM tag with a static version number like:"//assets.adobedtm.com/.../satelliteLib-XXX.js?v=1.0.0"javascript - Cach...
On a un site www.statistiques.public.lu OU TOUT FONCTIONNE et un site mobile m.statistiques.public.lu/fr ou en ou on n obtient pas de resultats.DTM (Dynamic Tag Manager)Une nouvelle WEb Properties, sur les mêmes bases que celles existantes a été créée.Les règles, déclencheur sur événements par défa...
Recently we want to move all of our tracking work from GTM to DTM. then I ran into a question:in GTM, it is pretty easy to add some third party code, like AdRoll, Crazy egg by select those as the tag type and then provide the account info. But I didn't find the similar thing in DTM. Anyone knows ho...
Hi Support,I have been granted Access to DTM and Launch for a new customer, however, I can't log into either tool. The Launch icon states "You don’t currently have access. Contact your Experience Cloud Administrator.",and in DTM, the name of the company does not show in my list of DTM instances. Any...
Hi there,I have Brightcove HTML5 videos that I am trying to track, some events are being captured just fine (ended, play, pause) but others are not (% complete, time complete) with everything else being the same (analytics events, etc). How can I fix this? Please help.For example, % complete being s...
Hello there, I have an iFrame on a page and I'd like to fire a click event when a user clicks on the iframe. I don't really care about putting DTM code on the iframe, I just want to fire a click event when someone simply clicks on the container div itself. I've built a rule and applied every bubblin...