I would like to see the %data_element% syntax expanded to be able to reference properties of returned objects.
For example, currently in DTM you can do %data_element% syntax in various fields. And for certain built-in data elements, you can e.g. %this.id% (reference to a clicked link's id attribute in an event based rule).
But I would like this to also be doable for arbitrary objects returned from data elements.
For example if I have the following on a page:
var dataLayer = { page: 'some page' }
If I create a data element named "dataLayer" of type js object type and point to dataLayer, it will return an object.
Or alternatively if I create a data element of type custom script and it has
return {page:'some page'}
Now if I use %dataLayer% in a field, it will return something along the lines of [object object] or else a stringified version of the object. But if I try to do %dataLayer.page% then it will output that literal string because there is no data element of that name.
So what I would like is to be able to do %dataLayer.page% and DTM output "some page".