I recently tried using Target Classic's mbox3rdPartyId feature without success. I'm hoping someone might be able to tell me why it did not work for me.
<script> $(window).load(function(){ $("#footer").before("<div id='thirdpartyid'></div>"); }); setTimeout(function(){ var visitorId = getCookieByName("uniqueId"); var customerNameCookie = getCookieByName( 'VisitorUsaFullName' ); if(customerNameCookie == '' || customerNameCookie == null ){ //do nothing because user is not recognized }else{ mboxDefine('thirdpartyid','thirdPartyId','mbox3rdPartyId=' + visitorId); mboxUpdate('thirdPartyId', 'mbox3rdPartyId=' + visitorId); } }, 2000) </script>
I created a CSV file with some profile parameters for my own profile and then did a batch upload using Terminal.
curl -X POST --data-binary @bulkprofile.txt http://xxxxxxx.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/xxxxxx/v2/profile/batchUpdate <response><success>true</success><batchStatus>http://mboxedge20.tt.omtrdc.net/m2/xxxxxx/profile/batchStatus?batchId=xxxxxx-1466191155149-81478358</batchStatus><message>Batch submitted for processing</message></response>
I then checked the updated profile using terminal to make sure the profile was updated (which it appeared to be).
curl -k http://adobesummit2015.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/profiles/thirdPartyId/xxxxxx?client=xxxxxx {"client":"xxxxxx","visitorId":"xxxxxx","modifiedAt":"2016-06-10T15:19:15.176-04:00","profileAttributes":{"user.testFrequency":{"value":"2.0","modifiedAt":"2016-06-10T15:56:09.334-04:00"},"user.pageViewFrequency":{"value":"1.0","modifiedAt":"2016-06-09T15:56:09.334-04:00"},"valuedCustomer":{"value":"true","modifiedAt":"2016-06-107T15:19:15.176-04:00"},"user.loginFrequency":{"value":"2.0","modifiedAt":"2016-06-10T15:56:09.328-04:00"}}}
If anyone could provide any insight as to why this did not work it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi Paul,
A couple of follow up questions.
Please confirm there are no conflicting campaigns and that you are referring to the proper offline variable.
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Hi ,
We are looking into your query and will get back to you with the solution ASAP.
Thanks & Regards
Parit Mittal
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Hi Paul,
A couple of follow up questions.
Please confirm there are no conflicting campaigns and that you are referring to the proper offline variable.
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I had the merging offer and the offer I was trying to display on the same mbox. I also changed "user." to "profile.". This seems to have solved my issues. Thank You!
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Hi Paul,
There is another way to achieve this, which is how i have achieved it. I am passing the Login username ( user credentails) as the mboxThirdPartyId in a REST Call to the target API. The call looks something like
var target_thirdPartyId = thirdPartyID; // user login ID
//AJAX call for fetching the values -- to check if the code is null ---
var externalURL = "http://accentureplc.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/profiles/thirdPartyId/"+ target_thirdPartyId;
externalURL = externalURL + "?client=accentureplc";
async: false,
url: externalURL,
type: 'GET',
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
console.log("success" + JSONdataObject);
error: function() {
Similarly you can make a POST AJAX call to save data based on the mbox3rdPartyID . This method is faster ( reflects the data ) then the targetPathParams() method call.
I hope this helps.
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