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Adobe Target Impression and Click Reporting in CJA through Web SDK


Level 1

We have a server side Target implementation, and also have web sdk deployed to get key events into AEP on our website. 

We have Target campaigns on web, for which we want to report out impressions and clicks on those target experiences, as standard metrics in the CJA dashboard. 


We have some code in the interact call as an example below which I believe captures impressions, but dont believe it captures clicks. My questions is what needs to be passed in what object for click on a target activity, such that we can report a click associated to a target activity on a page. It should also scale to a scenario where there might be more than 1 mbox/ location on the page that we are painting 

xdm: {

    _experience: {

         decisioning: {

           propositionEventType: {

               display: 1


          propositions: [




1 Reply


Level 9

@TejBh at a high level 

 - update launch to track target impression and interaction in web SDK, ensure these events flow to event schema in AEP,

- within AEP create a dataset based on the event schema and later use this dataset to create a data view in CJA

@TejBh  adding additional details here, 

refer this page CJA integration, however it depend on the your license if your org has license for required Target and CJA then work with Admin to configure / enable CJA reporting for target
