With the cookie compliance we're unable to run Target as it drops cookies pre consent. We're now wanting to run A/B testing on the first page of the journey but this causes a 'flicker' as the customer sees the original content, then after accepting Target kicks in and shows the new content.
Is there a way for us to make the content changes pre-consent, in a way that cookies are not deployed? If a customer was to opt out of cookies I know we wouldn't be able to track their performance (which is fine) but would help us test there at least.
TL;DR - Can I launch Target without cookies for content changes before opt in.
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Hi @SamMa10
To better understand your setup and requirements, I have a few questions
Could you please provide this input so that it helps to narrow down better approach for your problem.
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Hi @SamMa10 Apologies for late reply on this thread.
Are you still facing issues? in my case, we're using one trust and having the anti-flicker (pre-hide) script added with alignment of user consent. This means, the pre-hide snippet will not get loaded for non consented user.
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Unfortunately have not found a solution as of yet.
The issue I'm facing is we want to run experiments on the first page customers interact with our site, so consent is being gained at that point.
That would mean that even if we were to align the pre-hiding script with consent, this wouldn't kick in until that consent had been obtained.
I'm sort of ending at the thought that this isn't possible without a change to how the product is created...
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