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Is there any way to target users based on their continent?


Level 1

I think that to target users based on their continent is not currently possible, at least in an easy way, as I could test directly on target and read here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/audiences/create-audiences/categories-audien...


The use case would be to create audience directly based on whole continents. For example, selecting "Africa".


I can't find a way apart than select "Country/region" and select the 54 countries that Africa has, but this is not a smooth or fast experience. Maybe through  "Geo" option also, but, if possible, I think it would be even worse and more difficult to come up with an accurate coordinate grid.





1 채택된 해결책 개


정확한 답변 작성자:
Level 1



In this case we need Africa, which is not there. So we went with every african country (except one that wasn't in Target - Somaliland):


I don't think this is the best approach, but it is the only usable one.



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3 답변 개


Community Advisor

HI @MarioSombria 

Interesting case .. so far I never came across this situation where I have to select whole continent as audience. however just a quick look in Audience - Geo Targeting section of Adobe Target - can see few of them listed 


Which specific continent you're looking for? 



Level 7

an approach could be from the way audience has been defined, where rule could have list countries to be considered as part  audience example 


for Asia audience  rule could be add only audience / people have countries like India , China etc 


정확한 답변 작성자:
Level 1



In this case we need Africa, which is not there. So we went with every african country (except one that wasn't in Target - Somaliland):


I don't think this is the best approach, but it is the only usable one.

