Hi All,I am passing velocity variables like $e.name to JS and able to retrieve the same. But, I was also passing $entities to JS and was able to retrieve which all of a sudden is not working anymore. Could you please suggest what could be wrong in the below snippet and any alternatives? #set($entity...
Hi all, I am looking for some help on a campaign I am looking to set up. We want to be able to change the content in the hero banner of our homepage for returning users based on the previous URL set they last viewed. For example it is their second visit and the last page they viewed was a product ...
Hi All, We are trying to delete/Archive our Adobe Target activities from past (We have activities from 2012 ), are there any industry standards or best practices around this? .Does deleting/archiving old activities make any difference in activity search ? Currently , it takes a lot of time to pull u...
I'm setting up an XT on our checkout which is built on React. My XT changes a bit of copy that appears on every page, so I'm adding additional pages to the experience. I have included to include the base URL in the page delivery for the first page in the experience. I've experimented with the first ...
Traffic split 50/50%, but while analyzing data it shows sample size mismatch how to address sample size mismatch.We have restarted the test by duplicating original test and then activating new one and paused the old test.
Hi, We are working on a PoC client-side integration with Adobe Target from localhost. When we use Firefox or Safari we are facing the following warning: Cross-origin redirection to http://*******.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/delivery?client=*****&sessionId=fba29007855b477c9a070c6e0c240f2a&version=2.10.2 ...
Hello!I'm trying to create an audience by using "activity id" as a profile attribute.So I followed the instructions presented here and included trackEvent() as part of the experience-code: linkNow how can I check the trackEvent() call? Is there any command in browser-console I could use to see this ...
On the evening of Thursday, August 3, we deployed an updated Launch library that migrated our website from using the legacy Visitor ID, at.js and AppMeasurement libraries to the new Web SDK. The Analytics data in general looks good. However, we are seeing a significant reduction in the reporting of...