Hi everyone I have a question about including the referring URL parameters when using an Adobe Target Classic Redirect Offer. I’m testing a redirect offer and have checked the option to include the referring url. The problem is that when the referring parameter values are passed our colon symbols a...
We don't want to expose the client's IP address but Adobe is not yet have the obfuscation of IP addresses (all 4 octets rather than last bit) in the marketing cloud. So we'd like to place a proxy between client's browser and Adobe marketing cloud to obfuscate the IP address. I can see I might be abl...
Hello,I'm trying to figure out how to set up audiences for different Latitude/Longitude. It says in the Target documentation that it's possible to do - but it doesn't say how.Thanks in advance for your help!
I have a hopeful simple question please.I have a currently running test where a winning treatment was recognized/achieved. On 6/21/16 12AM, I was asked to update the test Traffic allocation to 100% to the new experience that was declared the winner. I altered the Activity Traffic Allocation to 0% ...
I recently tried using Target Classic's mbox3rdPartyId feature without success. I'm hoping someone might be able to tell me why it did not work for me.I created a new offer that started capturing a new unique ids off logged in users on my website.<script> $(window).load(function(){ $("#footer").befo...
This should be an easy question (i hope). I am trying to have the marketing team sign off on a test in Target Classic in their UAT environment. It is behind the firewall. I talked with the network guy and he said that I am probably right and that the code is bouncing off the firewall and that is why...
Hi all, has anyone used Profile Fetch API (https://www.adobe.io/products/target/docs/reference/profiles/profile-fetch) to programatically fetch all attributes set against a user-profile? I am using following address currently for the purposehttp://<client-server-domain>/rest/v1/profiles/<pcId>?clien...
Hi,I have recently started exploring recommendations engine. I am able to push the data to recommendations engine and retrieve it back via view mbox. I have a use case where in based on a category id passed along with view mbox, I want to see the recommendations which has the same category associate...