Hello guys,Anyone knows why I have empty Result form the code below for some pages despite i have the same payload?adobe.target.getOffer({"mbox": "api_courses","mbox3rdPartyId":digitalData.user.id,"at_property":'xxx',"params":{"message": "Accountancy"},"success": function(offer) {console.log("Result...
Hello Masters! We are using Adobe Target Recommendations. We are updating entity attributes via page load request parameters, in the product detail page (we need updates more often than daily, so the feed is not enough). We are trying to figure out if it is possible to update more than one entity in...
Hi Team,We have made the necessary changes on the adobe launch side to collect the several entity (name, category, brand ..etc) value along with entity id to adobe target through parameters directly on the page. However, I could see some of the product entity values are not appearing as expected. it...
Our organization uses Customer Attributes in People Core service to sync customer data into Adobe Target.We are trying to automate the process of creating new customer Attribute sources, enabling Adobe Target subscription and attribute mapping. Are there any APIs that could help with this? We have A...
Hello guys, Anyone knows if there is some difference between Update Catalog and Delete then upload the entire Catalog and during ongoing Product Recommendation?Is there any possible issue with the outcome from criteria?Is it good to refresh Catalog(data feed) every day?ThanksLuca
My QA team sometimes sees the below scenario, on both website and apps: 1) Open website or app2) Logs into loyalty account3) Enter a test and observe which experience they are placed into (let's say Exp A here)4) Leaves site/app and clears cookies or deletes & reinstalls app5) Opens website or app a...
Hi! We have 2 A/B tests running on our homepage. They target different audiences but some users fall into both audiences and are therefore currently being counted in both tests which is causing contamination in the data. How can we make these 2 tests mutually exclusive and randomly assign users who ...
Hello, How do you set up an auto target test for multiple countries? Do you set up an auto target test separate for each country? We are running into some confusion because if we want to use auto target to learn how multiple countries prefer an image, we run into many different languages on our sit...
Is it possible to apply 2 or more instances of recommendations on the same page? It appears that you can only apply one instance of recommendations on a page. Is that correct?