I am wondering how I can incorporate a form via Adobe Target to capture user data like first name, last name, email address, etc. within the Lightbox pop-up templates. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/experiences/vec/modifications/experience-templates Right now lightbox all...
We work on lot of AB test activities and use Analytics as the reporting source. There are times when we compare the expected vs actual test traffic in Analytics dashboard. Most of the time we see a variation of 10% in expected vs actual test traffic. Is it expected? What is the variance limit? For e...
can we create an A4t workspace in Adobe Analytics for an Auto Target activity, if we have selected reporting source as Target if yes then kindly brief us or direct to any material or documentation that can help, since we have selected reporting source as target but in A4t workspace, there's no value...
Is there a way to revert the DOM changes(e.g. background color) made using target VEC without reloading the page. we have a SPA website where target should only work when oneTrust cookie is accepted. The website currently don't reload when user accept/rejects the cookie, thus DOM changes made by tar...
Hi there, I have set up an A/B test in Target and took out an element. To confirm what users will see, I checked the link in the QA url but the layout is still the same as that of the control. Is there somewhere else I should check to view what users will see to ensure they will be presented with th...
Hello All, Our team is fairly new and we are trying to do proof of concept(poc) on implementing Mobile SDK(migrating existing Analytics & Target to over edge) in our Android & iOS apps.Currently we created an audience in AEP, using events, with basic rule condition "userID = 123456" and activated th...
I have an XT served to all traffic in the body of a page. On the same page, I would like to run an A/B test injecting new content into the header. When reviewing the QA links for the test, the presence of the test is creating a collision causing the XT lower on the page to not show up. Is there a wa...
Hi,We are using Adobe Launch for loading Adobe Target (ByAdobe Target v2 Launch extension). The rule is launching correctly and Adobe target also rule is also working properly.But i can see for the first time mbox3rdpartyid and tntId is not getting set. If i do refresh again its values are getting p...
Hi,We are noticing Flickering issue with WEB SDK loading sync and Async. We tried adding pre hiding snippet for homepage where our current Adobe Target test. We still see the flickering issue. Order: 1. Data Layer2. Prehiding snippet3. Launch script Below is the pre hiding snippet we use.<script>!fu...
I have implemented an activity with at.js version 2.11.6. And I noticed that, in addition to the at_check and mbox cookies, the at_geo cookie is also generated and stores information about the user's location, including longitude, latitude, country, region, and city. I could not find any mention of ...