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Adobe Target activities with webSDK not showing any data on reports


Level 2

Hello community, 


I have a very worrisome trouble in my recent implementation of Target with webSDK. One of my clients has recently implemented Target using alloy.js via Google Tag Manager. Using the Experience Platform Debugger and Omnibug I can see that calls to Adobe Target are made in every page sending the expected data.


The problem is that when activating activities I do not receive any data in the reports. When I review the network calls in a page with an activity live I can see the two expected calls: regular "interact" call + "decisioning.propositionDisplay" call to signal the view of an activity.


I do not have clues on what is happening in this case. Where should I start?


Thank you very much!


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4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Are you seeing the Target activities displayed on the page? i.e., is it just the data in the reports that's missing? 


Level 2

Hello Alexbishop, 


Yes I do see my activities on the page and also I see the interact "decisioning.Display" event triggered and sent from the browser when the activity has rendered. So only the report data is missing.



Thank you for posting your question here @DanielMa21 ! And thank you @alexbishop for weighing in! @DanielMa21 were you able to resolve the issue? If so, please feel free to share any updates or follow up Qs here by Replying to the thread so that others who may come across the same or similar issues can refer to your approach Otherwise @alexbishop do you have any other suggestions here?  Thanks!


Employee Advisor

When you inspect the "decisioning.propositionDisplay" event, do you see 
i) The _experience.decisioning object
ii) Does that object include the propositionEventType property & is that populated with something? e.g., display: 1
iii) Is the propositions array also populated? 
Should look something like this......
Skærmbillede 2024-10-02 kl. 09.07.36.png