Description - An Adobe Target role where users can view activities, but cannot create or edit them. However, the unlike the Publisher role, this one would only have the additional permission to deactivate/pause/stop activities.
Why is this feature important to you - I work with many brands that are not often Adobe Target savvy but should still have control over their own websites if they hear about a major change to a marketing campaign before I do, I'd like to have them be able to deactivate/pause/stop that activity. I do not want them to be able to edit live activities or push new activities live as they won't QA and may break things.
How would you like the feature to work - I would like to be able to assign users the permission to only deactivate/pause/stop activities within the admin console.
Current Behaviour - If a user has the power to deactivate/pause/stop an activity, they also have the power to activate an activity which can be much more harmful than the former.