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What is the difference between Favorite Category and First Category in Category Affinity


Level 2

What is the difference between Favorite Category and First Category in Category Affinity?  Do both reference user.categoryAffinities[0]?

8 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Benjamin, you are right - favorite category is same as user.categoryAffinities[0].



Please help me understand this more - user.categoryAffinities[0]?

and what are all these value Fist Category, Second Category mean and how do they translate?


Employee Advisor

benjamin247​, Prarthana Sharma​,

For more on how category affinity is calculated see this document here: Category affinity

If this satisfies your query please like, mark as helpful and mark as answer. Otherwise lets keep the conversation going. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 2

Hi Mike,

In the article it says "The category affinity feature automatically captures the categories a user visits and then calculates the user's affinity for the category so it can be targeted and segmented on. This helps to ensure that content is targeted to visitors who are most likely to act on that information."

So how does it differentiate first, second or favorite?


Level 10

Prarthana Sharma,

categoryAffinities returns an array of values. The lower the element index is the higher the weight (score) the corresponding value has.

Second, third, etc. categories are just references to the elements inside the returned array.

user.categoryAffinities[0] - First

user.categoryAffinities[1] - Second

user.categoryAffinities[2] - Third


Does it answer your question?


Level 2

Hi Andrey,

Sorry for asking question but I am really trying to make this work. So how do i then define the affinities in array?


Level 10

Please take some time and attentively read this documentation article: Category affinity


user.categoryId=clothing,shoes,nike,running,nike clothing,nike shoes,nike running shoes

user.categoryId is the parameter. You can implement it as an mbox or global mbox parameter in DTM/Launch/JavaScript. The list of values should be separated by a comma character.

Read this post for code examples >> How to pass param via DTM script


Level 2

Thanks for quick reply -

yes I have implemented that function to ready the category id from page category and i see this in my network tab -

user.categoryId: personal

But still not understanding what am i getting out of it? So should I assign/pass multiple categories  instead of just page category?

Also how do i dynamically assign this attribute when creating audience? 

And assigning  static value when i specify 3rd category in the audience then how will it retrieve that activity for that audience?