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Real-time Targeting following on-page events (segment qualification)


Level 10

Does anyone know if Target is able to change the experience on the page when the visitor gets qualified for the targeted audience after an on-page event?

Scenario: a visitor comes to a page, clicks a button and gets qualified for Audience XYZ. Right after this an mboxCreate (or a similar method) is called to retrieve the personalised experience and update the mbox content (deliver the experience).

I have tried variety of methods, but Target does not return the new experience even after the page reload.

It’s interesting that if after the qualification for the Audience (button click in the described scenario) the mbox cookie gets deleted, the personalised experience gets delivered as expected.

It seems there may be some sort of server-side “caching” that bar the experience return unless another website page is viewed.

16 Replies


Level 10

Hi mikewebguyI was wondering if you could help with the question above?


Employee Advisor

@Andrey Osadchuk,

First I'm flattered that you have called me out directly. I'll try my best to answer this as completely as I can!


Visitor gets qualified for audience after on page event. Can Target now change the experience on the page?


Yes this should work however a bit more involved then just a matter of configuring it form the UI. I woudl recommend setting up an XT activity and building the audience based on the specific event firing. However the means of how you do this will be key in the "will it work" part of the equation. Because of the way they work and the necessity for the visitor to first be indexed into the audience I DO NOT recommend using Analytics audience to accomplish this event happening. Instead I would recommend you set up custom code on the page (with the help of developer on your side or implementation consultant on our side) This custom code would watch for the event and once the event happens it would reload the page and pass in a new mbox parameter into the mbox. You would then target to the page URL and that mbox parameter.

Short summary & tips:

Once you have this set up you can test if you are qualifing into the activity or not with the mbotrace. If the page is reloaded and the mbox parameter is passed and you are creating the audience as a Target Native audience based on mbox parameter (Not Analytics Audience) I woudl expect this to work.

If this helps you don't forget to like, mark as helpful & mark as answer as that helps me. Hope you have a rocking day! Also if you wanna chat about it give me a call at the number in my signature. I'm at extension x3 if you don't catch me you will get one of the other experts we have available 24x7

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 10

Hi Mihnea,

Thank you for the reply! In theory AT should work as you described, but in reality something does not seem to be working)

The scenario implementation looks as follows:

  1. A visitor comes to the page where ECID, AT and AAM are fired on page load. Then the visitor interacts with different elements on the page and each interaction is being tracking with AAM (an event call is sent, e.g. c_interaction=xyz).
  2. A number of segments are set up in AAM for each parameter value (e.g. Segment A includes c_interaction=xyz, Segment B includes c_interaction=abc, etc.) These segments work in real-time and should be immediately available for AT.
  3. After AAM call is sent, AT is queried to return a personalised offer (e.g. once the visitor is qualified for segment A, the experience should be updated on the page). However, this does not happen even after the page reload. The experience changes only on next visit.

Note: the qualification for AAM segments works as expected (in real-time).

Hope you can provide some further guidance or tips.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Employee Advisor

@Andrey Osadchuk,

I'm still curious to hear what your results are after you try my previous suggestion Looking forward to hearing from you after.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 2

Hi mikethewebguy​,

In your suggested solution above, you mention that "This custom code would watch for the event and once the event happens it would reload the page and pass in a new mbox parameter into the mbox".

If possible, my preference would be to be able to execute the original poster's action without needing a page refresh.

Theoretically, would it be possible for the event to trigger mboxCreate & mboxUpdate functions, so that the new content gets pulled in dynamically rather than through a page refresh?

Just wondering if that's possible and how you'd go about it.

Thank you


Employee Advisor


Might be time to look into this with one of our implementation consultants however my understanding is that if something (mbox parameter) is not available on the page at run time it can not be used for audience qualification. This is why I recommended the redirect.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 10

Hi Mihnea,

The real-time targeting works as expected when the segments are built in Target based on mbox parameters. This does not require a page reload, I tested it.

However, when the targeting scenario leverages AAM segments, the real-time personalisation is not working. I can't understand the cause of that...


Employee Advisor

@Andrey Osadchuk,

Thank you for taking the time to confirm that my suggestion works. In regards to why the alternate way doesn't work as you expect it to. I've ran into this before so I checked with product and engineering a while back and here is the explanation. Analytics Segments/Audiences are best used when targeting visitors who have performed an action at some point, but not for immediate targeting as soon as the action is taken.

*A new visitor won't qualify for the Campaign the first time they match the criteria for the Analytics Segment/Audience. The first time they match is used by the system to catalog and classify them.

*They can only qualify if they return a subsequent time and it has to be 24-48hrs later. Only at that point will they trigger the Campaign based on that Analytics Segment/Audience.

*Keep in mind that visitors and visits are always counted in Analytics regardless if we get into the campaign or not.

If I did a good job please like, mark as helpful and mark as answer. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 10


I presume there must be a misunderstanding. I am not using Adobe Analytics segments, but segments created in Adobe Audience Manager (AAM) that work in real-time. AA is not used in the scenario described in the very beginning and in the later replies within this thread.



@Andrey Osadchuk,

This could be related to how Target and Shared audiences in provisioned for your account.

It appears that shared audiences are not provisioned to real-time for your account. i would suggest to open a support ticket to check the provisioning.

Let me know if that helps.


Employee Advisor


Awesome point!

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 10

Hi tanvia28417128

Could you please elaborate how Shared Audiences provisioning can affect AAM Audiences real-time activation in Target?



@Andrey Osadchuk

Shared audiences is a functionality through which any audience/segment is shared within Experience cloud solutions. If this configuration is not set to 'real-time', the audiences will be available in the solutions from the next visit as it is happening for your use case.

I would strongly suggest raising a support ticket to get that verified. Hope that helps.


Level 10


I presume you are referring to AA segments rather than to AAM in the context of shared audiences, is it accurate?




Shared audience refers to any segment shared between experience cloud solutions. It considers both AAM and AA segments.

However for current scenario, I am referring to AAM segments.


Employee Advisor

@Andrey Osadchuck,

I'm sure there is a good explanation to this. I'll step back and call on others to jump in. Additionally if you don't get traction here remember you can also open a ticket with Support.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335