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How to remove a visitor from a Target Activity so they do not show up in reporting


Level 2

Is there a way to remove a visitor from an AB test after they have already been added to a variant?

My problem is that the user enters the test on an unauthenticated page. The test is only for New Visitors. Later on this user authenticates so I now want to kick them out of the A/B test so that they do not see the rest of the variant flow. Is there a way to remove them from the test?

If I can remove them, will the that be reflected in the conversion reporting in Analytics (we use A4T)?

3 Replies


Employee Advisor


The answer to this is unfortunately no. Once they become part of the activity they can not be removed from the reporting data.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335


Level 2

Thanks for responding. I assumed that was the case, but hoped there was some way to do it.


Employee Advisor


Although you can't retroactively remove them from the reporting data perhaps you can stop them from viewing the experience content. Here is my thought on how you might be able to do that.

1. You would need access to XT (Experience Targetting) Activities.
2. Set up two Experiences EXPA for users who are not logged in and EXPB for users who are logged in.
3. Note: There would have to be a way to identify logged-in/vs not logged in perhaps by passing in an mbox parameter for either of those two states. (This would require some additional help from a developer to add the code)

4. You would then have to build an audience that Targetted non-logged in users to ExpA and logged in users to ExpB.

If this helps you don't forget to like, mark as helpful & mark as answer as that helps me  Hope you have a wonderful day.

Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335