I'm currently working on POC to integrate Adobe Target with external system ( CRM ). I want to use existing customer segment data created & stored in CRM for web personalization. Is there a way i can share segment information with Target in real time or batch?
I would start here.
There are some other helpful links in the side navigation as well.
Thanks Eric. I will go through the details.
Hi Shubham,
In case you need to implement a real-time segmentation scenario, you may want to consider CRM integration with CMS to populate customer segment or/and attributes in Data Layer that will be captured in the Target mbox parameter for segmentation and as a result personalisation.
Sure Andrey. Thanks !
Can i try using below scenario ? Do you think by connecting through AdobeI/O i can share the segment information to Target ?
Sure. I don't see why not. I would imagine someone on this forum is more familiar than I with getting CRM data into the experience cloud for audience segmentation. If you are looking to do it for only Adobe Target then I would check out:
If you have the data or if your CRM has an API, you could structure profile update calls which would be similar to what Andrey Osadchuk mentioned above, just offline. It does not require the auth/tokens that would come from Adobe I/O so you could skip that part for this design.
Also, look into mboxthirdpartyid to help out with passing a customer id to Target.
Hi Shubham,
I have a similar situation where my Azure CDP identifies the user segment. VisitorIDs for a segment Rule. I must get this into Adobe Target so that next time user visits the site that has the visior ID cookie, Adobe Target identifies the segment and renders the experience. Can you please help me how to go about it?
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Hi Shubham,
If you have solved the issue please let us know . I am also facing the same issue .
It would be helpful for the community
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Hi Ganesh,
I was able to solve this problem by first associating my own ID (Third Party ID) with the AT profile using mbox parameter mbox3rdPartyId https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/audiences/visitor-profiles/3rd-party-id.html?la...
and then, updating the AT profile using this third party ID with the segment information using different methods such as APIs, Bulk Update, etc. http://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#updating-profiles
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Hi Mohan,
Glad to know that you found the solution.
My scenario is little different , I am trying to integrate Segment
with Adobe Target .
Here Segment is a Customer Data Platform (CDP), in which Adobe Target will be destination. But problem is Segment does not allow direct destination setting option for Adobe Target .
This is the doc I have referred .
Please let me know , If you have come across this problem
Best Regards
Ganesh Byale
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