Ryan Roberts, Principal Consultant, Adobe
Ryan runs pre-sales proof-of-concept engagements for clients across North America as an implementation and testing expert who helps clients verify how Adobe Target can meet their requirements and boost their digital marketing optimization efforts.
Gentry Lin, Principal Consultant, Adobe
Gentry is an Adobe Senior Solutions Consultant specializing in Adobe Target. She has extensive practice in Target client-side implementation, including single page applications. Coming from a background in Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Analytics, Gentry is deeply versed in how Target's integrations within the Adobe Experience Platform can power personalization, activation, insights, and optimization. She loves to talk with customers about how Target's dynamic targeting capabilities can help customers develop their personalization programs.
Ryan Pizzuto Senior Consultant, Adobe
Ryan Pizzuto is a Senior Expert Solutions Consultant focused on Adobe Target. He has been working in the optimization space for 15 years, both on the client side building an optimization practice from the ground up and recently consulting some of Adobe’s largest, most complex customers helping them maximize value from Adobe Target. He is passionate about optimization and personalization and evangelizing the possibilities with Adobe Target.
Curious about what an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Be sure to check out the thread from our latest 4/12/23 Adobe Target Coffee Break with Adobe Senior Consultants Matthew Bailie @MBailie and Georgia Frailey @Georgia_CA , with support from @simochen of the Adobe Technical Support Engineering team
Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.
This is going to be a good one.
Mihnea Docea "Committed to Excellence" | Technical Support Engineer | Adobe Target
I'm a convert from Google Analytics (Universal and GA4). In GA, there are base reports that show things such as Sessions, User, Revenue, Acquisition, Engagement et al. Are there any pre-made reports that I can install? What's the best practice for setting up reporting and tracking in Adobe Analytics similar to the out of the box reporting I see in GA?
Hey @JPFiber, Welcome to the wide world of Adobe Analytics! A4T, which is the Analytics for Target integration, has a pre-built template for pulling in and analyzing Target data within Analytics. The interface is a very user friendly, drag and drop to include any of the Analytics metrics you choose into your reports. If there are specific report settings you want to re-use over and over you can always create a Workspace template and re-use it to your hearts content. There is a great primer on A4T here to get you started:
@Ryan_Roberts_ @GentryLin @ryan_pizzuto @MihneaD I'm curious if y'all have any more information about the Adobe Target activity alerts feature? Do we have any timing for release? Will this feature live within Target or somewhere else across the Experience Platform or Cloud?
hey @ben_mrm there are a few existing notification options that you can set on a user-by-user basis. When in Target there is the bell icon in top right area of the page where you can see the alerts and notifications. When in that dialog box there is a gear icon that takes you to a page to set preferences for notifications via in-app or email by solution. You may be referring to another un-released alert system and we're reaching out to our product team to see if there is a status update.
Thank you!
Yes, more curious about any future potential, maybe to set up notifications to send to individuals when say an activity is activated or deactivated, winner detected, etc.
@ryan_pizzuto @Ryan_Roberts_ @GentryLin - is there a way for end users on the site pages to check which workspace activity has rendered? at_property shows up in the payload, however, is there a way to determine the Target Workspace name either somewhere in Developer tool or in AEP Debugger? Thanks
The debugger doesn't provide a mapping of at_property to a Target workspace. As you mentioned you can see the at_property value but you'd have to keep your own mapping/list of at_property to see the workspace.
Thanks, Ryan. at_property shows up in the Developer tool network call, however, how do we get to know the Workspace name since a single at_property can be tied to multiple workspaces?
Ah, good point. In that case you might need to toggle to the "All my workspaces" workspace and then search for the activity name, or activity url (if a VEC based activity).
Hey everyone! Excited to answer some of your questions. If you didn't have any questions or were looking for something awesome to read about Target and the AI/ML features, check out this post written by someone super smart
Hey Ryan - nice chatting with you again!!! Our team launched Target with 100% exclusively loading activities with Prefetch. I have some use cases to adjust and load via Execute. I expect most of our activities to use execute going forward. What should I be looking for/aware of as we move to the execute mode (as the team is comfortable using prefetch)? Also can you provide any additional documentation on when to use prefetch vs. execute as I don't plan to use prefetch very often (if at all)?
John Joaquim
Using Page Load Execute might actually simplify things a bit because you won't need to use multiple or subsequent getOffer calls to render things. If you're using TriggerView that fires as the page is loading then you might alter how/when you apply changes to the experience in the VEC. In short, going from prefetch to execute on page load could simplify things. Here is the basics of how things work:
If you have any follow-ups, the folks here are happy to jump in!
Great to hear from you!
Is this a video chat or just a bunch of posts in a thread that area going to get lost?
Hi @JPFiber ! Thanks so much for posting your questions here in the chat! To answer your last one: there is indeed no video, however the objective of these Coffee Chats is to ensure that your Questions receive Expert answers. From here, we use these rich conversational exchanges to get a pulse on which features are resonating the most with our customers toward creating more helpful content.
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Unfortunately that wasn't how I perceived this event. A simple more proactive monitoring of the posts in the community and answering is more efficient. I planned an hour thinking this was some sort of real time "coffee chats" type of thing. I know Adobe can do better.
Hi @JPFiber, thanks for your feedback. This is akin to an "Ask Me Anything" with select Target experts. Please feel free to post any of your tactical Target-related questions in the chat here and our experts will be happy to try to answer them. We have a "Journey to Driving Growth with Personalization" webinar happening right now (at the same time as this Coffee Break) if you'd like to join that instead of posting questions here.
Hope this is helpful and please feel free to reach out directly to identify the resources that would be the most helpful to you. Thanks again for joining today!
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Thanks -- but I'm not interested in Personalization at the moment -- I'm interested in the question I initially posted, which I've not lost track of.
Here's a link back to the answer on your original question:
Glad to be here to answer questions this morning. Hope everyone is having a great day so far!