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☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] 9/8/21, 8am PT: Vishal Chordia, Senior Product Manager for Adobe Target☕



Join us for the next monthly Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break

taking place Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 @ 8am PT


Be sure to MARK YOUR CALENDARS with a link to this thread


We'll be joined by Vishal Chordia (aka @vishalchordia), Senior Product Manager for Adobe Target, who will be signed in here to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your Adobe Target questions pertaining to his areas of expertise:

  • Adobe Experience Platform
  • Audience-based Personalization
  • Real-time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP) integration with Target
  • General Adobe Target topics



  • Must be signed in to the Community during the 1-hour period 
  • Must post a Question about Adobe Target
  • THAT'S IT!  *(think of this as the Adobe Target Community equivalent of an AMA, (“Ask Me Anything”), and bring your best speed-typing game) 



  • Click the blue “Reply” button at the bottom right corner of this post
  • Begin your Question with @vishalchordia
  • When exchanging messages with Vishal about your specific question, be sure to use the editor’s "QUOTE" button, which will indicate which post you're replying to, and will help contain your conversation with Vishal


**For those who have joined an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break before: please note that we are no longer using formal registration pages for these events - just be sure to Mark Your Calendars to sign in here to the Community on 9/8/21 @ 8am PT, and hop onto this thread for direct answers to your questions, from Vishal

vishal chordia headshot.jpeg

Vishal Chordia is a Senior Product Manager for Adobe Experience Platform & Personalization. Prior to joining Adobe, he spent over 12 years building Big data and ML products in five different industries across AdTech, Healthcare AI, MarTech, Telecom, and Cloud Voice to deliver a personalized experience to end-users. Vishal is passionate about helping brands creating meaningful customer experiences at scale through product innovation. Vishal holds an M.S. in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon.

Curious about what an Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break looks like? Be sure to check out our past 2020 Adobe Target Coffee Breaks, covering a WIDE variety of Adobe Target topics, and our latest thread from our 8/11/21 Adobe Target Coffee Break with @Jim_McTiernan 


Topics help categorize Community content and increase your ability to discover relevant content.

38 Replies


Level 2

@vishalchordia wrote:

Hi Derek! 

Thank you for your question and appreciate your participation here. 


I have a follow-up question here: is it an offer created in Target? is it an XF imported from AEM?





Hi Vishal!  
Thanks for the reply. =]
These were created within Target.  But, I'd be curious the difference with AEM as well.



Level 2

@vishalchordia I want to upvote this question! Looking forward to your response. An "advanced" mode where experienced users can view and manually update the generated code that the VEC creates, and is delivered to the page, would be a great addition.


Level 2

@vishalchordia Had a question for a use-case we are trying out for site. Being new to ATP, we want to first understand it using an existing case:

If we activate/configure XT and AP for the same offers in tandem to get faster results from XP and let Automated Personalization's algorithm take its time of 35 days (as our calculator suggested based on data we input) and see its results then. Will setting XTs priority higher than APs, disrupt its algorithmic efficiency in creating decision logs and results delivery? (because XT is doing its job in providing an experience already while AP is also configured for the same experiences)


Level 2

Hey @vishalchordia any thoughts on the above. Please do tell!

Thank you!


Level 1

When is Adobe planning on releasing AEP to Adobe Target integration? 



Thank you for the question and appreciate your participation!


We have two types of integration with AEP. 

(1) Currently all AEP Segments can be activated into Target via Adobe Audience Manager

(2) We are working on direct integration of AEP and Target which will enable Real-time segment evaluation on the Edge in milliseconds. 


The Direct integration of AEP + Target is expected to be in limited beta very soon. If you're interested in limited beta please reach out to your account manager. 


Thank you!




Hi @vishalchordia, thank you for taking the time to answer questions today! What are some use cases that come from the Target and Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) integration? 



Thank you Amelia for inviting me to the coffee chat today. Great question on usecases. 


Brands can unlock the Audiences from Adobe Experience Platform to drive milliseconds 1:1 personalization across inbound channels with privacy and governance framework


Here are some key usecases Brands can unlock on AEP Audience inside Target:

(1) Next Event Personalization 

(2) First-time user personalization with query param 

(3) Cross-channel consistency between real-time and bath channels audiences 

(4) Segment-based Governance for personalization


Thank you!!  

Vishal Chordia



Hi @vishalchordia, this question was posted by Target Community user @Umamaheswari_Yakkala:

"Hi Team, I am new to the Targeting. what is this means "Adobe Target creates and maintains profiles for every individual user. This profile is stored on Target edge cluster and updated real-time." and is there any way that we can see these profiles in the Adobe Target?

Thanks In Advance


Link to original question



Thank you Uma for your question. And Thank you Amelia for re-posting. 


Uma - I'm going to answer the questions in regards to AEP. 

  • Adobe Experience Profile (AEP) provides an user interface to view a specific User profiles with all the attributes and Segments the user is part.  
  • With AEP becoming the center point for all audience related acitivies, you could use the AEP to view the user's profile 

Thank you

Vishal Chordia



Level 2

@vishalchordia What is Target's solution for cross-domain testing/optimization? Support for this important capability was removed when at.js 2.0 was released, but that's been a long time ago. Is there a cross-domain solution that works across browsers (not relying on 3rd party cookies)?


Level 2

@vishalchordia This is an important aspect of the product and it would be great to have an official response on the topic. Could you provide that? Thank you!


Level 2

@vishalchordia Is there a way that we can get change logs for both the Target extension and at.js versions updated at the same time the products are released? As of now, these are delayed and it makes it hard to recommend upgrading without knowing what's in the release.


Level 2

@vishalchordia You may have missed by question - can you see what can be done about this? Thank you!


Level 2

@vishalchordia How many is too many? (re: "Activity QA preview links for saved activities might not load if there are too many saved activities in your account. Retry the preview links. Archive saved activities that are no longer actively used to prevent this issue from continuing to happen. (TNT-37294)"). This is from: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/release-notes/known-issues-resolved-issues.html


I find that the auto-generated QA links are great and that they work most of the time - but they are not reliable and I find myself sadly not recommending them because of this. Any thoughts on why these are so unpredictable and what is being done to fix this?





Thank you for your questions Daniel. Appreciate you're participation here. 


Let me check on the ticket TNT-37294 






Level 2

Thank you @vishalchordia! I look forward to whatever you can share on the topic. I'm a fan of these QA links, but increasingly, they aren't a reliable part of the product.


Level 2

Hello All,


We want to set up recommendations based on user purchase behaviour and cart addition behaviour. We are using Launch as our tag manager. How do you suggest we set up data and send to target.