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Adobe Target and Local Storage




Author: Brian Hawkins

If you don’t want to know how to access the Wordle solution without playing, please do not watch the video below.

Local Storage

Most websites widely use local Storage to store and access data. This data doesn’t expire like cookies and can hold considerably more data than cookies. Because of this, it is no surprise that there can be rich data to arm a testing and personalization engine like Adobe Target.

This video shows how easy it is to get data from Local Storage and make it available to Adobe Target for first impression targeting.



Adobe Target targetPageParams documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/implement-target/client-side/at-js-implementati...

Code used to grab the Wordle solution from Local Storage to Adobe Target:

function targetPageParams() { 

		var str = window.localStorage.getItem("gameState");
		var parsed = JSON.parse(str);
		var solution = parsed.solution;

		return ("solution=" + solution); 


 Originally published: Jan 30, 2022