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XSD schema renaming Root Node to Object Hierarchy breaking Form Guide


Level 2

Hey Everyone -

Hoping that you can help me with a quick fix.


  • I am designing forms in LC Designer 8.2 ES. 
  • I laid out a form, and named the form objects and then built a form guide.
  • The root node in the Form Objects Hierarchy palette in Designer was called form1234.

Then I needed to build an XSD schema.  This schema is a master schema that covers several forms and has a section for common objects.

The general XML layout for the XSD schema document (simplified) is:



          <!--common elements like userFirstName that are used in several objects go here -->



         <!-- form-specific objects go here -->



         <!-- form-specific objects go here -->



So - when I make the Data Connection in Designer, I need to wire the form to the "topNode" in order to catch the "commonNode" items, rather than wire it directly to the node "form1234".  But since I originally named the top node in the form objects hierarchy "form1234" when I wire the data connection to the XSD, this node is overridden by Designer to now be "topNode".

The problem is: that the renaming of the top node in the objects hierarchy to "topNode" causes all the xfa paths to change (because "topNode" is now the root node rather than "form1234") -this has a cascading effect, meaning that the xfa path then inherently changes for all child nodes.  The end result is, my binding in my form guides blows up and none of the objects on my form guides are recognized anymore (the "field binding is no longer valid").

Does anyone know how I can resolve this without having to rebuild all my form guides?

In other words, if I change the root node name in my Object hierarchy to "topNode" to match my XSD - can I then fix the xfa references for all the form guide objects simply somehow?

I appreciate the help -

Thanks -

Ben L.

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