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XSD for a dynamic table


Level 3


I have a table with one row & 7 columns, but this table is dynamic, so the user can add up to a maximum of 7 rows.

My problem now I need to create an XSD & bind it to this non-static table, so that when I click submit & send an xml to the file, all the information captured in those 6 pr 7 rows for example is part of that xml.

Can someone please show me how to do that?

Another challenge that I'm facing, I have 2 text fields for Full Name, 1 of the fields is bound, another is not, I want when the first field cant cater for the length of the full name to move straight to the second text field. I think this one also needs to be solved by fixing the xsd.

My second table needs to grow according to what it receives from the xml, even this one is a challenge for me.

I would really appreciate your assistance .



2 Replies


Level 4

That's basically what you are looking for.  For the text fields, you'll want to specify a character length in the properties of the text field, and then in the exit script, let's say you have 2 fields called:

TextInput1, TextInput2 (2 is the overflow)

Then create a data connection with the schema specified and bind the TextInput1 and 2 to their respective fields then they will be in the schema.  You can also bind the Rows of the table to the Row element, and the individual columns to their elements as well.


Level 3

Thanks a lot man, much appreciated.