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WSDL data connection problem, error attempting to read from file...


Former Community Member

Hi, I got the exact same error messsage as described in this thread:


I tried all the suggestions in the thread, but nothing worked.

My process is like this:

At the process initiator step, it uses form "A" (and Webservices calls work perfectly there),

the initiator fills up form "A", "Complete"s it,

and it goes to the next person, where it uses form "B",

and Webservices calls fail to work from the form "B".

However, when I replace form "A" with form "B",

that is, use form "B" at the initiator step,

the Webservices calls on form "B" work just fine.

Any idea why this happened?


9 Replies


Former Community Member

Are you using Reader or Acrobat to view the form? Are you using the same product to view both forms? Do you have Acrobat and Reader on the same machine?



Former Community Member

I am using Reader X to view both forms.

I have Reader Extension enabled for both forms, in their Action profiles.

I have Acrobat Pro v7 (part of an old CS) on the same computer too.


Former Community Member

Can you have a look at the form properties for each form and tell me what the traget version is for both?



Former Community Member

Both forms have the Target version "Acrobat and Acrobat Reader 9.0 or later".


Former Community Member

Then I am at a loss to explain it .....

Is the web service a LiveCycle service? If so can you create an LCA file and email it to me so I can see what is happening? Send it to LiveCycle8@gmail.com and include a description of the issue in you r email please.



Level 4

Hey guys

Anybody found a solution for this problem?

I'm facing the exact same thing.

Form is ReaderExtended, and when I use it in Workspave I get the error: "Error attempting to read from file".

When I save the form to my PC and try it with Reader X, it does nothing. Just like when there would be no Reader Extension on the form.

Running LC Service Pack Version:



Former Community Member

I am still having this problem...

on the PDF form that's not working, it's a "Static PDF" form, not "Dynamic XML", does it matter?

does WSDL data connection require Dynamic XML?


Level 1

I found a solution to this.  The 'DataDescription' elements in the data XML are the cause of the problem.  Apparently Acrobat/Reader is not able to handle the elements from form 'A' when loading that data into form 'B'.

My solution was to modify my process to:

1.) Create an xml variable (call it 'xmlData')

2.) Create an XDP "wrapper" by setting the value of xmlData in a 'Set Value' operation.  Since my top-level form element is called 'TopLevelFormElement', my "wrapper" (the value for 'xmlData') was:

deserialize('<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp="http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/" xmlns:dd="http://ns.adobe.com/data-description/"

xmlns:impl="http://adobe.com/idp/services" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"









3.) Copy the form data from the original (call it 'originalXmlData') to 'xmlData' by setting this mapping in a 'Set Value' operation:

//process_data/xmlData//TopLevelFormElement  = /process_data/originalXmlData//TopLevelFormElement

4.) At this point, you have a set of data (xmlData) that contains all of your form data but is free of the 'DataDescription' elements that cause problems.  Pass 'xmlData' into form 'B'.

5.) Data should be processed as expected in form 'B', and web service calls should be operational.