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Why Retrieving data using web service does not work


Level 1

Hy folks I am a newbie in Flex

I created a web service in ASP.NET for retrieving data from de Northwind file ins an SQL server.

It works well

After that I created the following Flex application using the wbe service to obtain the data from the web service

and show it in a data grip, but it doesn't work. No data appears in my grid.

What is the problem Whi is it not working ?


id="Mydados" wsdl="http://localhost:1456/Service1.asmx?wsdl"


<mx:operation name="customerList"/>


<mx:DataGrid x="147" y="158" dataProvider="{Mydados.customerList.lastResult}"



<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Clientes" dataField="CustomerID"


<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="empresa" dataField="CompanyName"


<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="nome contato" dataField="ContactName"




Thanks in advance

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