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Where is AccountManager.registerRepository ?


Former Community Member

I'm following the instructions for Recording a session. Setting up the WebDave repository.

However there appears to be no API in the account manager corresponding to

// typically, you only need to instantiate one accountManager per web application - caching one makes sense.
AccountManager aM = new AccountManager("https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/<YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME>");


Where do I get the correct version of LCCS.jar which has the above API.
1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

You need the latest SDK (2.0) available at http://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com

Note that registerRepository is available in all supported languages (so it can be called by your server-side application as any other LCCS server API)

View solution in original post

4 Replies


Former Community Member

The path to jar is serverIntegration\java\LCCS.jar in SDK tree.

The class is com.adobe.rtc.account.AccountManager.


Former Community Member

That's what I'm using. But. There isn't a resgisterRepository method.

package com.adobe.rtc.account;

*  $File$ $Revision$ $Date$
*    Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
*    All Rights Reserved.
*  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the
*  terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.  If you have received this file from a
*  source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
*  written permission of Adobe.

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.*;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.adobe.rtc.util.*;
import com.adobe.rtc.messaging.*;

* AccountManager - high-level account manipulation
* @version $Revision: #6 $ - $Date: 2008/10/21 $
public class AccountManager {

    public final static String VERSION = "$Revision: #6 $ - $Date: 2008/10/21 $";
    final static String ROOM_ITEMS     = "meetings";
    final static String TEMPLATE_ITEMS = "templates";

    public String url;

    public String authToken = "";
    private Map<String, String> authHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private Authenticator authenticator = null;
    private String baseURL = null;
    private String contentPath = null;
    private String roomInstance = null;

     * Constructor
     * @param url account URL
     * @throws Exception
    public AccountManager(String url) throws Exception {
        this.url = url;

    private String getContentURL() {
        return baseURL + "app/content" + contentPath;

     * Login as guest
     * @param guest guest name
     * @return true if login succeeds, false if fails
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean  login(String guest) throws Exception {
        return login(guest, null);

     * Login as the account owner
     * @param user developer's user name
     * @param password developer's password
     * @return true if login succeeds, false if fails
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean login(String user, String password) throws Exception {

        if (password != null) {
            authToken = authenticator.login(user, password, authHeaders);
        } else {
            authToken = authenticator.guestLogin(user);

        return do_initialize();

     * keep the authentication token alive by accessing the account
     * @return true if the authentication token is still valid
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean keepalive() throws Exception {
        return keepalive(null, null);

     * keep the authentication token alive and re-login if needed
     * @param user developer's user name
     * @param password developer's password
     * @return true if the authentication token is still valid
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean keepalive(String user, String password) throws Exception {
        contentPath = null;
        if (do_initialize()) return true;
        if (user != null) return login(user, password);
        return false;

     * Create a room using the default template
     * @param room room name
     * @throws Exception
    public void createRoom(String room) throws Exception {
        createRoom(room, null, false);

     * Create a room using the default template
     * @param room room name
     * @param deleteOnExit autodelete room when session ends
     * @throws Exception
    public void createRoom(String room, boolean deleteOnExit) throws Exception {
        createRoom(room, null, deleteOnExit);

     * Create a room using the specified template
     * @param room room name
     * @param template template name
     * @throws Exception
    public void createRoom(String room, String template) throws Exception {
        createRoom(room, template, false);

     * Create a room using the specified template
     * @param room room name
     * @param template template name
     * @param deleteOnExit autodelete room when session ends
     * @throws Exception
    public void createRoom(String room, String template, boolean deleteOnExit) throws Exception {

        if (template == null)
            template = "default";

        String data = "mode=xml&room=" + room + "&template=" + template;

        if (deleteOnExit)
            data += "&deleteonexit=true";

        if (authToken != null)
            data += "&" + authToken;

        Utils.http_post(url, data, authHeaders);

     * List rooms or templates
     * @param type specifies if room or template
     * @return list of rooms
     * @throws Exception
     * @see ContentItem
    public List<ContentItem> listItems(String type) throws Exception {

        if (type != AccountManager.TEMPLATE_ITEMS)
            type = AccountManager.ROOM_ITEMS;

        List<ContentItem> items = new ArrayList<ContentItem>();

        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(getContentURL() + "/" + type + "/?" + authToken,

        Element repository = Utils.parseXML(data);
        if (repository == null)
            throw new RTCError("bad-response");

        Element children = (Element) repository.getElementsByTagName("children").item(0);
        if (children == null) // no children
            return items;

        NodeList nodes = children.getElementsByTagName("node");
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
            Element n = (Element) nodes.item(i);
            String name = n.getElementsByTagName("name").item(0).getTextContent().trim();
            String desc = null;
            Date created = null;
            NodeList properties = n.getElementsByTagName("property");
            for (int j = 0; j < properties.getLength(); j++) {
                Element p = (Element) properties.item(j);
                if (p.getAttribute("name").equals("cr:description")) {
                    desc = p.getTextContent().trim();
                } else if (p.getAttribute("name").equals("jcr:created")) {
                    String raw = p.getTextContent().trim();
                    // ends with "-HH:MM" and we need to turn this into " -HHMM" so that it will parse!
                    raw = raw.substring(0,raw.length()-6) + " " + raw.substring(raw.length()-6,raw.length()-3) + raw.substring(raw.length()-2);
                    created = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S Z").parse(raw);

            items.add(new ContentItem(name, desc, created));

        return items;

     * Delete room or template
     * @param item the item name (room name or template name)
     * @param type the item type (room or template)
     * @throws Exception
    public void delete(String item, String type) throws Exception {
        delete(item, type, false);

    protected void delete(String item, String type, boolean list) throws Exception {

        if (! AccountManager.TEMPLATE_ITEMS.equals(type)) {
            type = AccountManager.ROOM_ITEMS;

        String limitCount = list ? "" : "&count=0";
        String data = "action=delete&response=inline" + limitCount + "&" + authToken;
        Utils.http_post(getContentURL() + "/" + type + "/" + item, data, authHeaders);

     * List rooms
     * @throws Exception
    public List<ContentItem> listRooms() throws Exception {
        return listItems(AccountManager.ROOM_ITEMS);

     * List templates
     * @throws Exception
    public List<ContentItem> listTemplates() throws Exception {
        return listItems(AccountManager.TEMPLATE_ITEMS);

     * Delete room
     * @param room room name
     * @throws Exception
    public void deleteRoom(String room) throws Exception {
        deleteRoom(room, false);

    protected void deleteRoom(String r, boolean list) throws Exception {
        if (r == null) throw new RTCError("parameter-required");
        delete(r.toLowerCase(), AccountManager.ROOM_ITEMS, list);

     * Delete template
     * @param template
     * @throws Exception
    public void deleteTemplate(String template) throws Exception {
        deleteTemplate(template, false);

    protected void deleteTemplate(String t, boolean list) throws Exception {
        if (t == null) throw new RTCError("parameter-required");
        delete(t, AccountManager.TEMPLATE_ITEMS, list);

     * Return a room session for external authentication
     * @param room room name
     * @throws Exception
    public Session getSession(String room) throws Exception {
        String[] parts = this.url.split("/");
        Session session = new Session(this.roomInstance, parts[parts.length-1], room);
        session.getSecret(this.baseURL, this.authToken, this.authHeaders);
        return session;

     * Invalidate room session
     * @param session authentication session object
     * @throws Exception
    public void invalidateSession(Session session) throws Exception {
        session.invalidate(this.baseURL, this.authToken, this.authHeaders);

     * Return the node configuration
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @return the node configuration
     * @throws Exception
     * @see NodeConfiguration
    public NodeConfiguration getNodeConfiguration(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String path = "/" + collectionName + "/nodes/" + nodeName + "/configuration";
        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(baseURL + "app/rtc?instance=" + instance + "&path=" + path + "&" + authToken, authHeaders);
        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Utils.parseXML(data, RTCCollectionHandler.getResult(result, "result"));

        // return a NodeConfiguration
        RTCModel model = new RTCModel(result);
        RTCModel.Collection rtcColl = model.getCollection(collectionName);
        if (rtcColl == null)
            throw new RTCError("invalid-collection-name");
        RTCModel.Node rtcNode = rtcColl.getNode(nodeName);
        if (rtcNode == null)
            throw new RTCError("invalid-node-name");
        return rtcNode.getNodeConfiguration();

     * Return all items for the specified collection and node
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @return a list of MessageItem
     * @throws Exception
     * @see MessageItem
    public Collection<MessageItem> fetchItems(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName) throws Exception {
        return fetchItems(room, collectionName, nodeName, null);

     * Return the specified items for the collection and node
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param itemIDs list of itemID
     * @return a list of MessageItem
     * @throws Exception
     * @see MessageItem
    public Collection<MessageItem> fetchItems(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, String itemIDs[]) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String params = "instance=" + instance + "&collection=" + collectionName + "&node=" + nodeName;

        if (itemIDs != null) {
            for (String item : itemIDs)
                params += "&item=" + item;

        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(baseURL + "app/rtc?" + params + "&" + authToken, authHeaders);

        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Utils.parseXML(data, RTCCollectionHandler.getResult(result, "result"));

        // return a list of MessageItem
        RTCModel model = new RTCModel(result);
        RTCModel.Collection rtcColl = model.getCollection(collectionName);
        if (rtcColl == null)
            throw new RTCError("invalid-collection-name");

        RTCModel.Node rtcNode = rtcColl.getNode(nodeName);
        if (rtcNode == null)
            throw new RTCError("invalid-node-name");
        return rtcNode.getMessageItems();

     * Register endpoint URL for webhooks
     * @param endpoint URL for RTC callbacks
     * @throws Exception
    public void registerHook(String endpoint) throws Exception {
         registerHook(endpoint, null);

     * Register endpoint URL and "validation" token for webhooks
     * @param endpoint URL for RTC callbacks
     * @param token "validation" token to pass on callbacks
     * @throws Exception
    public void registerHook(String endpoint, String token) throws Exception {
        String acctid = this.roomInstance.split("/")[0];

        String data = "account=" + acctid + "&action=registerhook";
        if (endpoint != null)
            data += "&endpoint=" + URLEncoder.encode(endpoint, "utf-8");
        if (token != null)
            data += "&token=" + URLEncoder.encode(token, "utf-8");
        data += "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);
        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);
     * Unregister callback URL (and stop callbacks)
     * @throws Exception
    public void unregisterHook() throws Exception {
        registerHook(null, null);

     * Return callback URL and token
     * @return response as XML string
     * @throws Exception
    public HookInfo getHookInfo() throws Exception {
        String acctid = this.roomInstance.split("/")[0];
        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(baseURL
                + "app/rtc?action=hookinfo&account=" + acctid +"&" + authToken, authHeaders);
        Element result = Utils.parseXML(data);
        HookInfo info = new HookInfo();
        NodeList params = result.getElementsByTagName("param");
        for (int i=0; i < params.getLength(); i++) {
            Element p = (Element) params.item(i);
            String name = p.getAttribute("name");
            String value = p.hasChildNodes() ? p.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() : null;
            if ("registerHookEndpoint".equals(name))
                info.endpoint = value;
            else if ("registerHookToken".equals(name))
                info.token = value;
        return info;

     * Subscribe to collection event
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @throws Exception
    public void subscribeCollection(String room, String collectionName) throws Exception {
        subscribeCollection(room, collectionName, null);

    protected void subscribeCollection(String room, String collection, String nodeNames[]) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String data = "instance=" + instance + "&action=subscribe" + "&collection=" + collection;

        if (nodeNames != null) {
            for (String node : nodeNames)
                data += "&node=" + node;

        data += "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Unsubscribe from collection events (and stop notifications)
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @throws Exception
    public void unsubscribeCollection(String room, String collectionName) throws Exception {
        unsubscribeCollection(room, collectionName, null);

    protected void unsubscribeCollection(String room, String collection, String nodeNames[]) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String data = "instance=" + instance + "&action=unsubscribe" + "&collection=" + collection;

        if (nodeNames != null) {
            for (String node : nodeNames)
                data += "&node=" + node;

        data += "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Publish an item
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param itemVO item VO (as returned from LCDS)
     * @throws Exception
    public void publishItem(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, Map<String, Object> itemVO) throws Exception
        publishItem(room, collectionName, nodeName, new MessageItem(itemVO), false);

     * Publish an item
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param itemVO item VO (as returned from LCDS)
     * @param overwrite overwrite or create
     * @throws Exception
    public void publishItem(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, Map<String, Object> itemVO, boolean overwrite)
    throws Exception {
        publishItem(room, collectionName, nodeName, new MessageItem(itemVO), overwrite);

     * Publish an item
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param item MessageItem to publish
     * @throws Exception
     * @see MessageItem
    public void publishItem(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, MessageItem item) throws Exception
        publishItem(room, collectionName, nodeName, item, false);
     * Publish an item
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param item MessageItem to publish
     * @param overwrite overwrite or create
     * @throws Exception
     * @see MessageItem
    public void publishItem(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, MessageItem item, boolean overwrite)
    throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);

        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(authHeaders);
        headers.put("Content-Type", "text/xml");

        String params = "instance=" + instance + "&action=publish&collection=" + collectionName + "&node=" + nodeName;
        if (overwrite)
            params += "&overwrite=true";

        params += "&" + authToken;

        String data = "<request>" + item.toXML() + "</request>";
        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc?" + params, data, headers);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Retract an item
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param itemID item ID
     * @throws Exception
    public void retractItem(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, String itemID) throws Exception
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String data = "instance=" + instance
        + "&collection=" + collectionName + "&node=" + nodeName + "&item=" + itemID + "&" + authToken;
        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Create a node or collection
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @throws Exception
    public void createNode(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName) throws Exception
        createNode(room, collectionName, nodeName, (NodeConfiguration)null);

     * Create a node with specified node configuration
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param configurationVO configuration VO (as returned from LCDS)
     * @throws Exception
    public void createNode(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, Map<String, Object> configurationVO) throws Exception
        NodeConfiguration configuration = configurationVO==null ? null : new NodeConfiguration(configurationVO);
        createNode(room, collectionName, nodeName, configuration);

     * Create a node with specified node configuration
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param configuration NodeConfiguration
     * @throws Exception
     * @see NodeConfiguration
    public void createNode(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, NodeConfiguration configuration)
    throws Exception
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String params = "instance=" + instance + "&action=configure"
        + "&collection=" + collectionName + "&node=" + nodeName + "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res;

        if (configuration != null) {
            Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(authHeaders);
            headers.put("Content-Type", "text/xml");

            String data = "<request>" + configuration.toXML() + "</request>";
            res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc?" + params, data, headers);
        } else {
            res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", params, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Remove a collection
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @throws Exception
    public void removeNode(String room, String collectionName) throws Exception {
        removeNode(room, collectionName, null);

     * Remove a node
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @throws Exception
    public void removeNode(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String data = "instance=" + instance + "&action=remove"
        + "&collection=" + collectionName;

        if (nodeName != null)
            data += "&node=" + nodeName;

        data += "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Configure a node
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param configuration configuration VO (as returned from LCDS)
     * @throws Exception
    public void setNodeConfiguration(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, Map<String, Object> configuration)
    throws Exception
        setNodeConfiguration(room, collectionName, nodeName, new NodeConfiguration(configuration));

     * Configure a node
     * @param room room name
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @param configuration NodeConfiguration
     * @throws Exception
     * @see NodeConfiguration
    public void setNodeConfiguration(String room, String collectionName, String nodeName, NodeConfiguration configuration)
    throws Exception
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String params = "instance=" + instance + "&action=configure"
        + "&collection=" + collectionName + "&node=" + nodeName + "&" + authToken;

        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(authHeaders);
        headers.put("Content-Type", "text/xml");

        String data = "<request>" + configuration.toXML() + "</request>";
        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc?" + params, data, headers);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Set user role
     * @param room room name
     * @param userID user ID
     * @param role role value
     * @throws Exception
     * @see UserRoles
    public void setUserRole(String room, String userID, int role) throws Exception {
        setUserRole(room, userID, role, null, null);

     * Set user role for the specified collection
     * @param room room name
     * @param userID user ID
     * @param role role value
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @throws Exception
     * @see UserRoles
    public void setUserRole(String room, String userID, int role, String collectionName) throws Exception {
        setUserRole(room, userID, role, collectionName, null);

     * Set user role for the specified node
     * @param room room name
     * @param userID user ID
     * @param role role value
     * @param collectionName collection name
     * @param nodeName node name
     * @throws Exception
     * @see UserRoles
    public void setUserRole(String room, String userID, int role, String collectionName, String nodeName) throws Exception {
        String instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);
        String data = "instance=" + instance + "&action=setrole&user=" + userID + "&role=" + role;

        if (collectionName != null)
            data += "&collection=" + collectionName;
        if (nodeName != null)
            data += "&node=" + nodeName;

        data += "&" + authToken;

        InputStream res = Utils.http_post(baseURL + "app/rtc", data, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(res);

     * Return account information, if active
     * @return account info as XML string
     * @throws Exception
    public AccountInfo getAccountInfo() throws Exception {
        String acctid = this.roomInstance.split("/")[0];
        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(baseURL + "app/account?account=" + acctid + "&" + authToken, authHeaders);
        Element result = Utils.parseXML(data);
        AccountInfo info = new AccountInfo();
        info.userCount = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "user-count");
        info.peakUsers = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "peak-user-count");
        info.bytesUp = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-bytes-up");
        info.bytesDown = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-bytes-down");
        info.messages = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-messages");
        info.userTime = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-time");
        info.dateCreated = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-created");
        info.dateExpired = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-expired");

        String activeRooms = Utils.getElementValue(result, "active-FMS-instances");
        if (activeRooms != null && activeRooms.length() > 2) // [account/room1,account/room2,...]
            info.activeRooms = activeRooms.substring(1,activeRooms.length()-1)
                .replaceAll(acctid+"/", "").split(",");
            info.activeRooms = new String[0];

        return info;

     * Return room information, if active
     * @param room room name
     * @return room info as XML string
     * @throws Exception
    public RoomInfo getRoomInfo(String room) throws Exception {
        String instance = room;

        if (room.indexOf("/") < 0)
            instance = this.roomInstance.replaceAll("#room#", room);

        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(baseURL + "app/account?instance=" + instance + "&" + authToken, authHeaders);
        Element result = Utils.parseXML(data);
        RoomInfo info = new RoomInfo();
        info.userCount = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "user-count");
        info.peakUsers = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "peak-users");
        info.bytesUp = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-bytes-up");
        info.bytesDown = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-bytes-down");
        info.messages = Utils.getElementValueLong(result, "total-messages");
        info.dateCreated = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-created");
        info.dateStarted = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-started");
        info.dateEnded = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-ended");
        info.dateExpired = Utils.getElementValueDate(result, "date-expired");

        return info;

    private boolean do_initialize() throws Exception {

        if (contentPath != null)
            return true;

        InputStream data = Utils.http_get(url + "?mode=xml&accountonly=true&" + authToken, authHeaders);

        Element result = Utils.parseXML(data);
        if (result == null)
            throw new RTCError("bad-response");

        if (Utils.DEBUG)

        if (result.getTagName().equals("meeting-info")) {
            Element baseURL = (Element) result.getElementsByTagName("baseURL").item(0);
            this.baseURL = baseURL.getAttribute("href");
            url = this.baseURL + new URL(url).getPath().substring(1);
            Element accountPath = (Element) result.getElementsByTagName("accountPath").item(0);
            contentPath = accountPath.getAttribute("href");
            NodeList room = result.getElementsByTagName("room");
            if (room != null) {
                this.roomInstance = ((Element) room.item(0)).getAttribute("instance");

            return true;

        if (result.getTagName().equals("result")) {
            if (result.getAttribute("code").equals("unauthorized")) {
                NodeList baseURL = result.getElementsByTagName("baseURL");
                if (baseURL != null) {
                    this.baseURL = ((Element) baseURL.item(0)).getAttribute("href");
                    url = this.baseURL + new URL(url).getPath().substring(1);
                Element authentication = (Element) result.getElementsByTagName("authentication").item(0);
                String authURL = authentication.getAttribute("href");
                if (authURL.charAt(0) == '/')
                    authURL = this.baseURL + authURL;
                authenticator = new Authenticator(authURL);
                return false;

        throw new RTCError(Utils.printXML(result));
    private void checkStatus(Element result) throws Exception {
        if (result == null)
            throw new RTCError("bad-response");

        if (Utils.DEBUG)
        Element status = (Element) result.getElementsByTagName("status").item(0);
        String code = status.getAttribute("code");
        if (!"ok".equals(code)) {
            if (status.getAttribute("subcode") != null)
                code = status.getAttribute("subcode");
            throw new RTCError(code);


Correct answer by

You need the latest SDK (2.0) available at http://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com

Note that registerRepository is available in all supported languages (so it can be called by your server-side application as any other LCCS server API)


Former Community Member

Thanks. That worked.