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What is the difference between a table and a subform?


Level 1

What is the difference between a table and a subform in LC Forms? Please post your replies regarding the merits and demerits of using subforms instead of tables.

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Level 10


a table is just a set of subforms with a special role.

It's easier to handle tables if they need to be dynamic (add or remove rows, show or hide rows when page breaks appear etc.).

And Designers UI has some prepared dialogs in the Object palette to simplify the settings of tables.

For subforms the dialogs are more common so you have to script yourself a bit more.

But at least you can do everything with subforms as you can do with tables.

The only that doesn't work very well with tables is when you wrap tables in other tables.

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3 Respuestas


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Level 10


a table is just a set of subforms with a special role.

It's easier to handle tables if they need to be dynamic (add or remove rows, show or hide rows when page breaks appear etc.).

And Designers UI has some prepared dialogs in the Object palette to simplify the settings of tables.

For subforms the dialogs are more common so you have to script yourself a bit more.

But at least you can do everything with subforms as you can do with tables.

The only that doesn't work very well with tables is when you wrap tables in other tables.


Level 1

Thanks for replying 1.radzmar. I have to design a dynamic table with different number of columns in consecutive rows. How to do that?


Level 10


for a variable number of colums this article might the the right one.


And not to forget Niall's code solutions for tables. Check it out.
