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Use field data to save form as


Former Community Member

Hi everybody, I've made a fill form with a save as button. The script I've used in the save as button is:

----- form1.#subform[0].Button1[1]::mouseUp: - (JavaScript, client) --------------------------------


I would like that button to save the form using a field input as name, is that possible?
Thanks in advance

3 Replies


Level 10

Because of the security reasons, you can not access the user's file system to save a file directly.

You have to provide the file name manually in the SaveAs window.

There is an alternative way of writing script and placing in the client system to workaround with the security issues..You can find the script probably in an other forum thread..




Former Community Member

Thanks Srini, I've searched for sua script but I haven't been able to find it.

Could you pleas guide to it?

By the way. I would be happy if i could only propose a filename in the save as dialog, If the user wants , it can be changed, maybe that's easier.

Thanks in advace.


Level 10

You can have a look at this thread.. It has some useful links on the Java Script to save files localy.


