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Unable to view pdf created in Live Cycle Designer ES2-initially thought to be a user/OS issue


Level 2

Unable to view pdf created in Live Cycle Designer ES2.  I initially thought this was a user / OS issue when I created a document for someone who is new to a MAC laptop.  She could not view the document through email.  Unfortunately, I began seeing the same error in my own document folders when searching for another document showing as icons instead of a list.  I can open the file without a problem although I see the error she sees only while viewing the icons in my folder.  I am using a Windows 7 PC. Now, I also know that if the document is downloaded, it can be viewed.

Other notes:

  1. If trying to access the form via the internet, the same error is seen through Chrome, Firefox, and Mozilla but NOT through IE
  2. Everyone seems to have the latest or a very recent READER
  3. The form is compatible with Reader versions 7 and up
  4. Again, downloading from the internet to the computer appears to allow the file to open properly
  5. Document cannot be viewed on the Galaxy Tab 2 via Chrome or the pre-installed Internet Browser, nor can it be viewed through the Reader after download to tablet. I did not try on an Apple iPad.
  6. All parties involved are up-to-date with virus protection.

Below is a link to the exact message received when trying to open the document.


13 Replies


Level 1

I am not able to open the link with error message. Can you please paste a screen shot of the error?




Level 2

I hope this helps.  I don't understand why I'm seeing the same thing within my own folders - and it only just started happening after my client with the new MAC couldn't open what I had created for her.



Employee Advisor

Not clear exactly where do you see this error but make sure that we are using Adobe Acrobat/Reader plugin while viewing PDF in case this error appears in browser. For Firefox, see this : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/view-pdf-files-firefox-without-downloading-them?s=View+PDFs+in+....




Level 2

Still looking for an answer and realized that I had not responded above.  My apologies for the delay.

This error is being seen by recipients via email and by those who were trying to open documents via an internet browser where a form was placed.  It is seen by those using a PC and by those using a MAC.  In addition, I'm the creator of the documents and I'm seeing the error in my own document folders on my hard drive when I have the icon setting turned on instead of lists.  I can still open the documents and view them correctly and they appear to function correctly.  PC users initially see the error but if they download the document and then open it, they can view it.  The MAC user cannot view it at all.

Everyone has the latest Reader.


Level 8

It looks like in browser you have the default viewer set to something other than the Adobe Reader.


Level 2

That would make sense if we were only trying to view if from a viewer, but not that I'm getting the same view in my folders on my hard drive.


Level 8

If you right click select "Open with" and then pick the Adobe Reader does it work?


Level 2

No, it doesn't.  The MAC user went to the "genius bar" and even had them trying to open the document.  They still couldn't open it.

This is a document that I created and did nothing out of the ordinary that should preclude it from opening.  I should state that I had no problems with viewing the documents in my hard drive as icons prior to sending the document to the MAC user.  Once she reported that she couldn't view it, I began seeing the same issue.  I've checked my computer for viruses or other issues and there's nothing to report there.


Employee Advisor

Could you share the the document and the Adobe Reader version being used on MAC ?




Level 2


This is a simple form with a background. 

Here is the more complicated form.


Everyone has the latest Adobe Reader XI.


Level 2



The error you are seeing is the "single" page in a shell PDF which was rendered by Forms. There is something preventing the Dynamic Form being rendered by the client, and hence you see the single static page telling you need a new version of reader to see the form. There is something else at work here preventing Acrobat / Reader from rendering the dynamic content.  When I download it and open it standalone, it opens fine in Acrobat Pro XI.0.3

The form was saved and produced by ES Designer 9.0. XFA Dynamic forms are not supported on the mobile devices. You need the desktop version of Reader, and Acrobat.



Level 2

You're on to something KJ!  Yes the form was created in LiveCycle Designer ES2 which came bundled with my Adobe X Pro.  I began creating a new form yesterday and found that I could not preview the form, rendering this same "error" instead.  I ran a repair on my Adobe and at first it seemed to fix the issue but after making some changes to the form I tried to preview again and couldn't.  Here is what I get when I try to preview my forms in Designer ES2: 

AdobeError LCDES2.JPG

When I click the OK button, it then gives me that single static page as mentioned above in previous posts.

I searched Adobe yesterday trying to figure out how I could repair the LiveCycle Designer or if there was some sort of patch that I haven't gotten but was not able to find anything.

(Sorry for the delay in response, I've been on vacation.)

Message was edited by: AngelaC