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Unable to collect form in PDF form


Level 2


I have created a fillable form using Live Cycle Designer. But when it comes to collecting the form data, after receiving the data in XML (as an email attachment), I am unable to open it as PDF. I have tried changing the default program to open xml files to Adobe Live Cycle Designer, but the program prompts me a window called "File Import Options". The file type by default in this window is "XForms Document".  When I click ok, it gives me a "main error 47" with a long list of runtime errors.

Is there a way I can set this up when creating and saving the form?

I greatly appreciate your feedback.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Sorry for not responding earlier ...stuck in transit.

Yes you woudl use a regular button set set to a submit button, then in the submit URL you woudl use mailto:emailaddress

To be able to submit the PDF from Reader you will have to Reader Extend the file to allow for a local save. This can be done in Acrobat if you do not have the Reader Extensions product.


View solution in original post

16 Replies


Former Community Member

If you want to continue to recieve the XMLdata you woul dhave to open a blank form then use the Form./ImportData option

to merge the data into your form.

Why don't you simply set up your form to submit PDF then you woudl have everything you need?



Level 2

Hi Paul,

I greatly appreciate your feedback. When I created the form, I was thinking about having everything in PDF (was not expecting XML, a language I'm not familiar with). How can I set the form to submit in PDF? I'm noticing that there are different kinds of PDFs (static/dynamic...) and would like to know if it's at the "Save As" level or at the "Create New" level where I actually set that up. I thank you for your suggestions and for your patience.



Level 2

Hi Paul,

I greatly appreciate your feedback. When I created the form, I was thinking about having everything in PDF (was not expecting XML, a language I'm not familiar with). How can I set the form to submit in PDF? I'm noticing that there are different kinds of PDFs (static/dynamic...) and would like to know if it's at the "Save As" level or at the "Create New" level where I actually set that up. I thank you for your suggestions and for your patience.



Level 2

Hi Paul,

I greatly appreciate your feedback. When I created the form, I was thinking about having everything in PDF (was not expecting XML, a language I'm not familiar with). How can I set the form to submit in PDF? I'm noticing that there are different kinds of PDFs (static/dynamic...) and would like to know if it's at the "Save As" level or at the "Create New" level where I actually set that up. I thank you for your suggestions and for your patience.



Former Community Member

The type of submission is controlled by a property on the submit button. The saveAs will allow you to save either a PDF or an XDP (native template format).



Level 2

Hi Paul,

I greatly appreciate your feedback. When I created the form, I was thinking about having everything in PDF (was not expecting XML, a language I'm not familiar with). How can I set the form to submit in PDF? I'm noticing that there are different kinds of PDFs (static/dynamic...) and would like to know if it's at the "Save As" level or at the "Create New" level where I actually set that up. I thank you for your suggestions and for your patience.



Level 2

Hello Scott,

I am trying to locate the Submit As list in order to select PDF. I have the form on the left with the "Email Submit" button hightlighted and on the right, the Object and Layout palettes. I can only see the Field tab under the Object palette, but not the Submit tab. How can I view the Submit tab in order to see the "Submit As" button? I am almost there! Thank you.



Level 2

Hi Paul (sorry for calling you Scott earlier), I can see the "Submit Tab" button by selecting the standard "Button" field (instead of the "Submit Email" field. I'm trying to make this button to work as a "Email Submit" button, so if I select "PDF" as my "Submit As" choice and enter an email address at the "Submit to URL" section, will it send the form to that email address?  Thank you very much.



Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Sorry for not responding earlier ...stuck in transit.

Yes you woudl use a regular button set set to a submit button, then in the submit URL you woudl use mailto:emailaddress

To be able to submit the PDF from Reader you will have to Reader Extend the file to allow for a local save. This can be done in Acrobat if you do not have the Reader Extensions product.



Level 2

Hello Paul,

I got it to work! Thank you very much, you have been very helpful. I only have one more question, let me know if I should create a new forum for it:

I would like to create a button that will let the subscriber know that he/she has successfully filled and submitted the form.


A button that will take the person back to our website to continue navigation. A button I would place next to the submit button.

Is there a button that can do either function?

Thank you very much.



Former Community Member

Hmmmm - you are submitting a form through email ....we could put a message into the post submit event that woudl put u[ an artificial message (Thanks for your submission)....but there is no way to tell that the actual email is sent (that is in the email clients hands). As far as linking to another page you could use the xfa.host.gotoURL("address you want to goto") command to get you to another web page.



Level 2

Hi  Paul,

Thank  you for your reply. Where  do I go to access the post submit event in order  to add the message? What kind of button do I select?

I   like idea of sending the user back to our  website by using xfa.host.gotoURL("address   you want to goto").  I found the script editor and added that script to the button (regular). My question is, what do I select on Show?  Initialize, Enter, Exit, Calculate or Validate?

Please  forgive my ignorance : ) Thank  you.



Former Community Member

Click on the submit button. In the script editor (top of the page) choose the event you want to write code against (in your case the postSubmit event). This is in the Show dropdown. On the right side make sure the language is set to Javascript.

Now on the 1st available line in the script editor write this code:

app.alert("Message you want to display to your user!");

xfa.host.gotoURL("http://address of the page you want to go to");

Now when the user presses the button the email will be kicked off and when it is finished handing it off to the email client the postSubmit event will fire and your code will be executed.



Level 2

Just perfect! There was no option for postSubmit, so I picked postSave (I have set up the form to be "savable"), so that may be why.  If it must be postSubmit, let me know how to incorporate it in the "Show" menu.  But otherwise, it works wonderfully!

Thank you so much Paul, you have been very patient and helpful with me.




Former Community Member

post Submit was added in later releases. You may be targetting an earlier version than me. If you are happy with post save then that will work with all versions.



Level 2

Awesome! Thank you Paul!


The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> liqladmin("SELECT id, value FROM metrics WHERE id = 'net_accepted_solutions' and user.id = '${acceptedAnswer.author.id}'").data.items [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 41] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign answerAuthorNetSolutions = li... [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 5] ----