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two connections from the same webpage


Level 3


I'm using lccs for video-chat based on RTMFP in my application.

I want to add file sharing with RTMFP in a different part of the html page so  I'll be using additional swf movie for that.

Is it possible to create two separate connections(video-chat and file  sharing) to lccs from two swf movies on the same html page?

Is it possible to create several separate connections from several browser  tabs for the same user?

Is there a way to use a swf movie just for the file sharing UI and the  video-chat swf file to actually send the file?

Can I pass the file(~5MB) or file reference between the two movies?

Is file sharing with RTMFP reliable?

What is the total overhead in the number of messages for creating a  connection, publishing and subscribing to RTMFP streams destroying the  connection and probably automatically syncing presence of other users in the  room?


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