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Troubleshooting User Error Message - Install Korean Language Package?


Level 2

I have created a PDF Employment Application that is available to fill out on a website.The application was created in Livecycle Designer ES 8.2.

Some people have no trouble filling out the form online and then printing it, but others are experiencing a problem in opening the form. They are prompted to install a Korean Language Package.  The next paragraph explains what happened from the User's perspective:

However, when I tried to download the Application, I couldn't get the PDF file to open. I made sure that my Adobe Reader was updated to the most recent version available, but it still doesn't open. It gives an error message about needing to Install a Korean Language Package, and there is no available option to do this on Adobe's site. I thought perhaps the fault lay with my computer, so I borrowed a Mac laptop and again attempted to open the application PDF. There was no error message about the Korean Language Pack this time, but it still went to a screen about needing to update Adobe Reader. The laptop also already had the most recent version of it installed.

I have a feeling the error has something to do with the font that I used, which is Franklin Gothic. I'd like to ask for any input/advice on this issue that anyone may have.

Thanks very much!

3 Replies


Level 2

We had a similar problem with our interactive forms.

In our case it seemed to occur whenever users copied and pasted formatted text (bullet points were a particular sticking point) from Word into fields that were specified as Plain Text only.  The only remedy would be to ensure that any copied text is format free or change the field format setting to Rich Text.


Level 10

Check if there is a korean localeSet in your XML source.

This will be automtically added to the forms XML source even if Korean was accidently selected as language of a form object and corrected instantly.

If you find something like this, delete it.

<locale name="ko_KR" desc="Koreanisch (Korea)">

      <calendarSymbols name="gregorian">















         <monthNames abbr="1">























         <dayNames abbr="1">



















         <datePattern name="full">YYYY'년' M'월' D'일' EEEE</datePattern>

         <datePattern name="long">YYYY'년' M'월' D'일'</datePattern>

         <datePattern name="med">YYYY. MM. DD</datePattern>

         <datePattern name="short">YY. MM. DD</datePattern>



         <timePattern name="full">A hh'시' MM'분' SS'초' Z</timePattern>

         <timePattern name="long">A hh'시' MM'분' SS'초'</timePattern>

         <timePattern name="med">A h:MM:SS</timePattern>

         <timePattern name="short">A h:MM</timePattern>




         <numberPattern name="numeric">z,zz9.zzz</numberPattern>

         <numberPattern name="currency">$z,zz9</numberPattern>

         <numberPattern name="percent">z,zz9%</numberPattern>



         <numberSymbol name="decimal">.</numberSymbol>

         <numberSymbol name="grouping">,</numberSymbol>

         <numberSymbol name="percent">%</numberSymbol>

         <numberSymbol name="minus">-</numberSymbol>

         <numberSymbol name="zero">0</numberSymbol>



         <currencySymbol name="symbol">₩</currencySymbol>

         <currencySymbol name="isoname">KRW</currencySymbol>

         <currencySymbol name="decimal">.</currencySymbol>



         <typeface name="Adobe Myungjo Std M"/>

         <typeface name="Myriad Pro"/>

         <typeface name="Minion Pro"/>

         <typeface name="Courier Std"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Pi Std"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Hebrew"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Arabic"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Thai"/>

         <typeface name="Kozuka Gothic Pro-VI M"/>

         <typeface name="Kozuka Mincho Pro-VI R"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Ming Std L"/>

         <typeface name="Adobe Song Std L"/>




Level 5

I made a form for others and they're getting this same message about Korean Language Support.  I get no such message on my machine.  I haven't made any language changes recently (or ever, for that matter).  I checked every single object and they were all set to either US or Default/US.  I have now set them all to US but they still get the same message.  I searched through the XML for "locale="k", "ko_kr" and "ko_" and nothing turned up.  Any ideas?   Greatly appreciate any help.